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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by henkka

  1. my newest love Tackla Booster T-7 Regular 85 Blade is B-8 with my current rate of going thru sticks this is perfect,'cause its only 55€ here and overnight shipping from the factory. links below, im too lazy to shrink the photos pic1 pic2 pic3
  2. For the TSN commentators, its not Antti ni'Emi, just Antti Niemi. geez makes my ears bleed
  3. Mission Intake blk w/ itech straight some old jofa shoulders bauer 5080 elbows jofa/rbk shins Bauer 8000 pants one75 skates TPS R8lite gloves Torspo pro 2000 stick
  4. i hate all of you and your equip sales <_<
  5. I love how the picture is taken in the car :P Sweet gloves! AND did you notice the pair of female legs?
  6. Now that i think of it, cant remember if they were R-80's. <_< But only Red/White is being sold here for now.
  7. been on sale in red/white here for a year or even more..
  8. helmet: mission intake shoulders: easton synergy 500 elbow: bauer 5090 shins: rbk/jofa 7k pants: bauer 2000 gloves: nbh one70 skates nbh supreme one75 stick: mission vhex grip
  9. why oh why must it be peice
  10. here we go, from head to toes: mission intake w/ oakley straight rbk 9k shoulder rbk 9k elbow bauer one70 gloves bauer xxx pants rbk 9k shins rbk 9k skates UA grip longsleeve+pants 2 Montreal woodies 2 bauer xxx-lite ops, which i ditched to garage after i bought the woodies
  11. i just got my warranty one70's back from nbh today! what happened to your first pair? they were worn pretty good and i happened to bust my thumb wearing them. my gf works at sports dealer where i bought them, so she sended them back to nbh
  12. i just got my warranty one70's back from nbh today!
  13. all I got out of that was 40% and I am guessing that the word after that translates to lighter http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/t...com%2Fcarbon%2F babelfish.altavista.com helps
  14. nice name tho , and the colors match 70's pornmovie colors aswell
  15. updated in bold helmet:mission intake + itech straight cut half skates: easton synergy 650 SMU gloves: salming evo pro stick: one90 and salming tf evo for backup shins: rbk/jofa 7k shoulder: synergy 500 elbow: some old bauers pants: salming evo sr undershirt/pants: NBH pro tight i was at an local salming clearance ;)
  16. look at the 'mission' texts
  17. first of all, sorry for the crappy quality. taken with my SGH-Z540 phone NBH vapor X gloves RBK/jofa 7k shins intake+some hejduk easton synergy 635 "protective" bauer 2k bauer endure shaft + easton hybrid 'sakic'
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