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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About ChiefHockey13

  • Birthday 04/11/1995


  • Skates
    Graf 705
  • Hockey Bag
    Reebok 7k
  • Shin Pads
    Synergy ST16
  • Elbow Pads
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer 6000
  • Pants
    Easton Synergy ST16
  • Helmet
    NikeBauer 5500
  • Gloves
    Warrior/MIA Custom
  • Stick
    NikeBauer ONE95 and Warrior Kronik

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
  • ICQ
  1. I'm aware of that, but I can't see it well enough. I wanted to know if anyone had any photos with pros wearing it or something.
  2. Helmet: Cascade M11 Red( w/ FM480 Chrome cage)- just got it two/three weeks ago. Very comfortable, pretty light, and fits well. Style isn't the best, but hey I like it. Shoulder Pads: Farrell H500 Pro- best shoulder pads ever. period. Elbow Pads- NB ONE90 Pants- Easton ST16 Shin Pads- Easton Stealth S7 Gloves- Bauer Pro 4-Rolls Red Skates- Bauer Vapor x:60's Sticks- Bauer Vapor x:60, NB ONE95
  3. I was looking at the 9500 helmet, you have to special order an all red helmet? I don't understand why you can get a red/black helmet without custom but you can't get a normal red helmet.
  4. Wow that's a lot of sticks
  5. Is the Intake Fusion supposed to not be as good as the intake?
  6. Is the blade on the U+ skates partly black or is it just the picture?
  7. Sweet I wish I had all those sticks
  8. Yep my old ones cracked but their good shin guards so i bought them again
  9. interesting from mouthguards to footbeds and now protective gear.
  10. I ordered the 700's and got the brand new ST16 they're pretty nice
  11. The new skates are pretty cool the kind of look like the Graf skates they have on the Swiss site
  12. Helmet: NikeBauer 5500 w/ CCM facemask Shoulder Pads: Bauer 6000 Elbow Pads: Nikebauer ONE 90 Pants: Easton Air Shin Pads: Easton ST16 (just got them their the new 700's) Skates: Nikebauer Vapor 40's gloves: Mission L5 Sticks: Warrior Dolomite Warrior Dolomite Nipple Grip
  13. Helmet-Bauer 5500 black Shoulder- Bauer 6000 Elbow- Easton Extreme Gloves- Mission L5 Pants- Easton Air Shins- Easton 700 Skates- Bauer Vapor XXX Stick- Warrior Dolomite, Synergy SL Grip
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