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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    RBK 9K older one
  • Hockey Bag
    RBK 5K
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer SMU Supreme
  • Elbow Pads
    Itec junior pad!!
  • Shoulder Pads
    Easton Extreme
  • Pants
    Supreme 6000
  • Helmet
    Bauer 8000 with 8500 grill
  • Gloves
    Pro-stock Vapor XX
  • Stick
    Warrior Dolomite/XX shaft with Z-carbon blade

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  1. The way you talk JR, the DET seem to be a lower quality product than the wavebridge. is there a problem with the DET foam??
  2. To which kind of skate does the synergy/stealth line fit like?
  3. uuumm with that you said DS.. i think i will actually wait to change my shoulder and elbow pad.
  4. Anyone seen that tight fitting shirt that look like the rbk triple impact?? Would it retail less? should i return my rbk and wait for the itech?
  5. Which of the vector or 9k is more comparable to the vapor XX?
  6. DarkStar- Do the thumb split too? ala vapor? -fit: are they tight like XX or looser like XXX? And JR or you, can you explain me more what is that ''damperzone'' actually? is it an extra layer of palm?
  7. With christmas gift, i have enough to buy a new pair of glove, i'm using the XX but i want to try nylon glove, since i couldn't find a pair of pro stock XX. my choice was the XXX. What would be the difference between an 9k and XXX ?? My XX aren't dead anyways, but it would'nt hurt to change them LOL!
  8. hey Jr, did you been able to put your hand in one of those 9k glove? if so, how do they feel, compared to what??
  9. why in the hell, not a freaking pro use the strech palm but on 2 of their 3 top end glove bauer use this palm. In my opinions, the strech palm really strech and make the glove ultra soft.
  10. interesting, they are so comfy!! after 8 months, mine is getting a bit harder.
  11. ah okay, well if it is possible for you to scan it, i would like to see it, but if you can't, it's alright lol I just think that the rbk triple density is a great underwear and maybe rbk have more this years too, or another innovation like that.
  12. so actually is it really possible to order bauer shin guard strap? if anyone has some, i'm willing to buy 2 of them!
  13. nah.. he played jr AAA not A..
  14. tacks guys(skating for 10 years in tacks) wont be able to fit in vector because they are narrower. Also how can you say there is 4 line of skate?? rbk has 2(Imo you cant say it is 2 different line, but you do) and ccm has one: vector. so which line is the fourth one? JR: What do you mean by 3 pc-thumb? nylon glove?
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