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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Interests
    Surfing, Skating, Hockey
  • Location
    New Jersey

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  1. An LHS owner couldn't tell you if a skate is to stiff for yourself, thats all personal preference
  2. JR- Skates - Stealth line is unchanged for 08 but SyNergy is totally new. The SE16 replaces 1500C - with a new look, tongue and inners. This was the first post
  3. hey JR, was the SE shaft included in the catalogue? I know it looks the same as the regular SE but i was just wondering. SY50 looks more like an NBH skate.
  4. How long is that Dolomite. From where the tape is, it looks really short.
  5. I wish my One90s still looked like that.
  6. all I got out of that was 40% and I am guessing that the word after that translates to lighter
  7. Does anyone know when the 85 flex will be available?
  8. someone loves their stealths.
  9. I love the color scheme of the One90 stick'um. Its a lot like the team canada One90
  10. I'd love to do that at my house.
  11. It probably makes the laces longer.
  12. Does anyone know how to open the links for the catalogues? When click the link it loads and then in the window it loads in, it says open, open folder, and save. I have tried all of these and it still continues to not work.
  13. oh my bad, i meant from the right. The orange one.
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