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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Methane

  • Birthday 01/30/1976

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  • Location
    Fort Worth, TX

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  1. Being away from the boards for a while I knew I recognized the name! It was a nice goal. Glad I got to see it.
  2. I know everything is personal preference and all, but why would you put a Zcarbon standard blade in your Warrior Dolomite 2 piece? You're losing the taper! Unless it's a broken Dolo OPS, of course. It's a busted OPS, look at the direction of the writing on the shaft.
  3. Added: Easton SE grip (Zubov) Bauer XXX lite (Lundqvist) $46, new!
  4. New stuff Shins: RBK 5K Skates: Vapor XIX Hmm, I still can't bring myself to spend retarded ammounts on single pieces of gear.
  5. It would bring new meaning to the term "puck possession" though.
  6. So... What exactly do you do on the ice with that vacuum? ;)
  7. Update Helmet: NBH 5500 Elbows: Jofa 8044 or old Mission Warps Shins: Easton Z-Airs (old huge ones) Skates: CCM 1062 Tacks Gloves: NBH Supreme70 Shoulders: Vector 8.0 Pants: 892 Tacks Bag: Synergy 700 w/no stinking wheels Sticks: 2x Inno Novius (Mogilny), 1x Inno 1100 w/L-2 Elias
  8. Hmm, so the Kronik weighs in at 420 grams, wonder where the reference came from??? But again, as mack said, nothing new, it appears to be another Inno True-1 with some curvy thing etched into the blade. I think that "nipple grip" is in fact the same thing that's on my noviuses (novii?). As the great Chuck D once said, "Don't believe the hype!"
  9. I've seen it mentioned several times around here that Perani's has crappy customer service. Not just one store but several have been mentioned. What is with not being able to get a hand in fitting skates or the employees rolling their eyes at you when you ask to try the 3rd model of skate once you've finally got off the stool behind the counter, after sighing like I'm pissing you off by not getting the skates out of the back myself? In the last few weeks I've dropped over a grand in there, I'm obviously not just looking or using you for fitting advice so I can shop online. I realize that you are the ONLY Hockey dedicated shop in North Central Texas, but JESUS, can I get a little help over here? Sorry for the rant, it just seems this attitude that the customer is an annoyance runs deep in this thread. I know I don't look like I have a ton of disposable income, but I do and you're pissing me off sooner or later I and other that you treat this way will go BACK to shopping online. Oh yeah, and when I drop a few hundred on a pair of skates, DO NOT slop a crooked half a**ed sharpening on them and tell me they can't be baked. I know they can be and I know the hotshot tournament kids that are in and out of there don't get crappy sharppenings.
  10. Helmet: NBH 5500 Skates: CCM 1062 Super Tacks Shoulders: CCM Vector 8.0 Shins: Easton Z-Air Elbows: older Mission Warp somethings. Look just like the Fuel 110 but different colors. Pants: CCM 892 Tacks Gloves: Bauer supreme 70 Sticks: Old Bauer Composite, Easton Ultra Kevlar woody, Innovative Novius
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