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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Hazard14

  1. skated yesterday, almost 100% forwards:powerskating/speed skating,left and right crossovers, stopping at full speed on a dime, sharp turns is all good (thank god) backwards:im getting the hang of it again, crossovers on one side are good, the other not so much a couple more sessions, and i should be 100% (i hope) now i just need some skates that feel and fit better ^_^
  2. some sexy lookin skates
  3. oh. sounds like a pretty nasty injury 1.it depends how long it takes for the bone to heal completely, but i think usually people that have surgery have a shorter recovery time 2.again, it depends, sometimes the screws dont bother you at all and other times they cause alot of pain and will need to get removed just because they interfere with your life 3. most surgery hurts afterwards, there is bruising,swelling,pain etc. and there is always the risk of complications you will get onto your feet soon, dont worry. just do your physical therapy and listen to your doctors. oh and number 4 400th post bitchez B)
  4. Thanks, I love the jerseys and pants as well. agreed, it looks sick
  5. i have been walking for a while (approx. 9 weeks) and everything is fine, even running so its all good, i hope. i didnt apply pressure for about 8 weeks alltogether from the end of april (26th). my PT said that all is clear, and that i should have been able to start earlier. im going with what he says, and im hoping for the best. oh and i have to wait so long (get there at 7am wait until the docs actually come in, wait to be seen, have the exam, wait some more for the x-rays, then wait after the x-rays, then go bck up-stairs to wait for the doc to see me again, then wait as it takes them time to actually figure out how to log into the computer, look at x-rays, exam again, then the PA's consult with an actual MD, then wait for them to give me papers, and finally at around 12 i leave)if this was at my orthos office it would have been MUCH quicker, but this is a hospital that sees lots of people. plus they said i have to come back every 3 months just to check that my growth plates are goiing at the same rate, which it seems to be doing since im getting taller. so yea.
  6. since i trusted my PT more than the PA's at the ortho clinic in the hospital, i took my advice from him. saw him the other day, and he said i could start playing hockey now, i was elated. i stopped going to the hospital after my PT made me walk again even though i was supposed to go back and have checkups a bunch of times each year to make sure that my ankle good, weird thing is though that after bone is completely healed isnt it completely healed, so i just dont see the need of going back and waiting for like 5 hours just to be told everything is good. there is no pain, or swelling, so thats good im going to skate on saturday (hopefully) for the first since the end of april, hoping for the best. for you other guys that skated after a ankle fracture, how was the first time?
  7. those are some beautiful skates my man, how much you drop for them?
  8. my ankles feel absolutley fine, and the pain only comes when i walk for hours upon hours, the same with the rest of my L foot. and i only walk with a barely noticable limp, but yesterday i got into a fight with somebody and i sprained my L ankle. wow, that wasnt fun , but it only hurt for like 2 minutes "my balls are just so sensitive" i actually noticed that befor the rest of your post, and understanding what you ment :D
  9. after breaking his leg, he was put on a list to have his plate and screws removed, unable to stand the pain he decided to operate, he took a couple shots of alchohol for "anaesthetic", the shaved his leg, and after boiling his instruments in water, he proceeded to take a pocket knife, and cut an incision along the line of his original incision made by doctors, taking a phillips screw head he removed 5 of 6 screws (the plate was embedded, and the last screw was inaccesible) and suturing himself back together. his mom then figured out what had happened, and took him to the hospital, where he had a pshyciatric evaluation and had the last screw and plate removed, he had no evidence of further damage to muscle, bone, or nerve tissue. wow that took a long time to type, anyways thats crazy
  10. im walking pretty nicely already with minimal to no pain and swelling, got a little limp but its alright. should be able to start running soon
  11. they look nice!! well a hell of alot better than before
  12. what happened to the ther to posts on this page after Vechkin?(they seemed to have magically disapeared)
  13. my 12 week follow up is tommorow, im hoping that i could start light skating as of....soon
  14. i think that light skating (meaning not to fast, with proper technique ofcourse) would be safer and easier than running
  15. I knew Lecavalier was a left hand shot, i just wondered if it was a mirrored version of his pro curve, or if it was a retail made by mission. The blade doesn't look as high as the retail lecavalier? Is it just the angle of the pic? oh ok i got you, i just checked the curve pic and it looks like the mirrored retail version made by CCM
  16. Vinny plays left, so its the RH that Mission made for him
  17. He knew, it was just a joke... :P i kinda got that =]
  18. me too, damn i wish i could find V-Pros at that price
  19. im not telling you to walk on it if you dont want to, but it seems alright and IMO if it hurts then thats your body telling you that your not ready to walk on it
  20. the bone is in the stage where a hard cast isnt needed to support bone growth, the walking boot will supposrt/cradle your foot in a way that the bone can still heal. i know it feels weird, mine just stopped feeling wierd, it takes some time getting used too
  21. true. true again. so far so good. And I like not living in pain. what? did you stop reading after the comma in my quoted post? the holes will fill back in with bone in about 3 months it fills back in, and you'd never know the holes were there. if it means im out another 3 months for a grand total of 6... or even if it puts me out of beer league for a year to heal properly... I've got thin ankles, it's almost a certain fact i'm going to have problems if we left the hardware in. it's an easy choice between a year of hockey (at the absolute max) or 50+ years of being uncomfortable because i've got screws in my ankle. i was talking about that 3-month period in which the bone is still O-tech
  22. you are, and there is increased risk for fracture, but the holes will fill back in with bone in about 3 months yea, but its basically like a bone cyst, which leaves you with a hole in your bone, making it much easier to fracture. im sure that it would give you increased mobility and decrease pain, but is it worth the chance of fracturing the bone again. i think not
  23. after the hardware, arent you left with holes in your bones from the screws making the bones stregnth and structure weakened
  24. the U.S. treasury holds auctions of various stuff they confiscate from criminals, you can find amazing deals on anything
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