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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

hockey is life...

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About hockey is life...

  • Birthday 01/20/1993

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    Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada
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  1. Those skates sound European(?).
  2. The shop has just moved to a wharehouse and is only a few weeks old. They have been drilling in the concrete walls so there are chucks and pieces of concrete on the floor. They also haven't put in their final panelling over the rough concrete floor so it "raped the skate blades". When I was in 3 days ago he showed the blades to me.
  3. At my LHS ( I don't work there(yet) but my friend does ) some guy was getting his 5 year old fitted for skates. He bought the 9k's and had them heat-molded, blade holder re-ajusted, skate orthotics put in and the whole sha-bang. After this was all done the kid tried on the skates after the initial sharpening was done. Apparently, the kids mom walked in and he went running for her with his skates still on! :P In the end he ended up wrecking his blades and, because the Dad had just forked over all the paper, wanted warranty on them. The manager said no because that "scenario wasn't covered".LOL. The dad then had to fork over more money to get new blades and another sharpeneing and made a scene leaving the store vowing, "NEVER TO RETURN AGAIN!!!" One of the funniest stories I have heard. :D
  4. Best bet would be to buy them seperately off of a site like EastwestHockey, and getting them installed at a shoe repair shop. They should be able to help you out. Some hockey shops do them too. My friend (who seems to always wear out the toungues on his skates) gets any kind available sewn on for 25 bones. The store seems to recieve extra bits and pieces for the manufacture's certain top end skates.
  5. How can you use that many different curves? lol. idk. i find that i dont mind most curves. ive been rockin' the adrenalines until i broke my last one 4 days ago. I wish i had that ability it was very hard for me to change from iginla to forsberg/pm9 I also find that depending on the game the other goalie plays ( butterfly, standing..etc.) I will use a different curve to get the puck in that general area (high or low) without too much thinking so I just have to worry about fine tuning my exact shot location.
  6. How can you use that many different curves? lol. idk. i find that i dont mind most curves. ive been rockin' the adrenalines until i broke my last one 4 days ago.
  7. http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee106/f.../niceeeeeee.jpg http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee106/f...dsfsafasasd.jpg http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee106/f...er120/dfaaa.jpg *photo quality sucks* synergy elite 85 grip sakic-only stick in use synergy si-core 100 grip iginla-retired stealth cnt 100 grip drury-blade is fractured-retired synergy sl 100 grip drury-heel is chipped to shit-retired 2 adrenaline controls whip nash-both blades broke after 8 and 12 months of use not pictured- s-17 100 grip sackic- pre-ordered
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