At my LHS ( I don't work there(yet) but my friend does ) some guy was getting his 5 year old fitted for skates. He bought the 9k's and had them heat-molded, blade holder re-ajusted, skate orthotics put in and the whole sha-bang. After this was all done the kid tried on the skates after the initial sharpening was done. Apparently, the kids mom walked in and he went running for her with his skates still on! :P In the end he ended up wrecking his blades and, because the Dad had just forked over all the paper, wanted warranty on them. The manager said no because that "scenario wasn't covered".LOL. The dad then had to fork over more money to get new blades and another sharpeneing and made a scene leaving the store vowing, "NEVER TO RETURN AGAIN!!!" One of the funniest stories I have heard. :D