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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by TheBert

  1. Amen. My buddy settled for a Mazda3 hatchback and he fits his gear, a goalie plus one more guy on a occasion. I've got a Matrix I do that with but it's admittedly underpowered, looks like a poor man's minivan and less fun to drive than the Mazda3.
  2. Is that boot custom? Something about it looks like it's lower-cut, or it might be the photo angle playing tricks on me.
  3. Are Fuel shinguards wide as Jofas?
  4. Is that Richmond Ice? Or 8 Rinks?
  5. Sorry. It's been a long day. I meant the tendon guard. There's an eyelet on there?
  6. Not too familiar with Flyweights. What's with the eyelet on the tongue? Defect?
  7. You know you're a stick whore when your have sticks which aren't even close in flex. :)
  8. I saw an R8 Nash blade and it looks slightly deeper than even before.
  9. Do you actually need 2 master keys? I just found these voodoo instructions and it looks like 1 will do: http://matrixowners.com/index.php?s=&s...st&p=993155
  10. Update: I found the car equivalent of ModSquad for Toyotas and found keyfob and transponder key programming instructions. One key: $40 One fob: $30 Programming: Free. I just managed to avoid a nice hit to the credit card.
  11. PDFs are usually opened with Adobe Reader, which is one of the most popular file formats in the world whether Mac or Windows: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html And yes, it's free.
  12. Just finally joined the 21st century and got a car with a remote. Is there a way I can make copies of the lock/unlock remote without letting a dealership poke me in the backside?
  13. Did you look at the catalogue at all? http://www.modsquadhockey.com/pics/JR/2008/TPS/TPS2008.pdf
  14. I'm more impressed he had that gear before the actual sale. :lol:
  15. Fantastic action shots, dgkayo. Who took the photos?
  16. Isn't that stuff supposed to be for the Canucks sale?
  17. Probably helps that Chavez is in power too.
  18. Does the first post answer your question?
  19. They may feel the same, but the 9K heel is definitely wider than the One95. And much wider than the One90/One75. The "putting you on your toes" can be easily fixed with a skate profiling. You should put both skates of each brand on at once and walk around to gauge fit and comfort -- don't just wear one on each foot. You might have slightly different left/right feet and wearing one of each isn't going to tell you that. Or if this is just a "which skate is better, I'm buying online" question: Good luck.
  20. I saw a guy ride a motorcycle with his hockey bag out of the rink parking lot. Anyone here do that? What kind of bike do you ride?
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