coming from a customers point of view, a tip is only worth what you think the value of a persons service is. I have been to restaurants before and left no tip or tipped the person that did help me which was not necessarily my waiter/waitress. Same thing goes for a business like the LHS. They provide you a service. If you feel they have done a good job, and/or gone out of their way to help you, maybe you feel like they should be compensated a little extra for their time that they could have been making money by helping another customer but took care of you instead. I recently had problems with my one90 skates not fitting right, and needed new ones. The guy spent almost 2 hours with me trying different skates and just bs'ing about things. When all was said and done, i bought a new pair of vapor xxxx's, he baked them twice and sharpened/profiled them for me, and gave me $40 off the purchase price of the skates. He then offered if I couldnt sell my one90's for what they were worth (street value) he would go to bat with the owner and give me as much as he possibly could for a trade in. Well, I ended up selling the old skates to someone i know, but for the guy's trouble and generosity of knowledge and time, I went back to the store specifically to thank him for his help and gave him a $40 tip. I think that is the kind of service customers should expect from their LHS, and I think the people that work at them and work hard to be knowledgeable in their business should be rewarded fairly. Just like TBL said, most of the guys are college/high school and can use every little bit extra they can get. But that is just my 2cents.... sorry for the novel, lol