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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by english15x

  1. in this first pic the ref looks like he is checking out your ass. :lol:
  2. those black eagles are the most beautiful gloves ...
  3. nope that's my parent's home phone, never use it.
  4. I don't mean to profile it, it kind of happens with the way I sharpen my skates I guess. I enjoy the forward pitch though, a lot. I think maybe the picture makes it look that way as well, because they look pretty even in person.
  5. my truck and the head unit I put in a couple of weeks ago.
  6. mehh they aren't graf's ;)
  7. no-name paint is under a dollar at lowe's. Used it to black out the bottom 1/4 of some of my sticks.
  8. I like the black dude chilling on the bench 3 pics down.
  9. even my little mazda truck only gets 15mpg. I'm buying a vespa ....
  10. English is that bracelet from the high school tournament in Jamestown last december. By the way nice skates. Nope, it's actually Marine Corps Weapons Company 3/25 from my brother who was in Iraq.
  11. yes, same lining. Still will be wet.
  12. thanks guys. I actually didn't ask for the holes in the tendon guard. I bought them off someone in BC as stated. They were customs. If anybody remembers Grafpro55 from here he said that the guy who sold me the skates deals with Graf customs program a lot. He is in and out of russia scouting I guess. His name was Vladimir. Just glad to finally get the right skates that fit.
  13. nothing to hide :D I like grafs
  14. I'm looking forward to skating in them tomorrow. Some guy screwed me online and sold me the same skates in size 8 when I needed a 8.5, but I lucked out and got 8.5 N , which is a plus.
  15. bought them from some guy in BC. They have the newer thermomoldable tongue on them, not traditional felt. They have holes punched in the tendon guard. Plus I finally found grafs that fit perfect.
  16. custom graf skates got them today.
  17. looks like you went to the bathroom and shit out pro return pants.
  18. so, do you like sleeping with a matchbox car blanket at night ?
  19. Do you know if FixItByMail does MSH2 gussets? they do.
  20. haha what did it say ?
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