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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Location
    São Paulo, Brazil

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  1. There's something you won't see in the sell section ;)
  2. :lol: I hadn't noticed that sign in the background :lol:
  3. or Buzz. ;) Have they posted pics of theirs? I'm curious.
  4. There are stores with an inferior assortment of sticks... good lord.
  5. That guy in the Canucks jersey is obviously a fan of tape.
  6. Did you score (referring to the first pic)?
  7. Hey godiogo. Actually, I'm wearing an Itech FX50 combo. I really like it. As long as I remember to apply some anti-fog to the shield every couple of games, the FX50 never fogs up on me. The vision is outstanding. I've scruffed my shield a little bit, but it's still usable. I really like the fact that you can pop the shield off and replace it without any tools. The only potential problem you might have is the size. I've read complaints that the FX50 does not fit large heads. Unfortunately, the FX50 only comes in one adult size: standard. Oh, OK. My head is on the 'huge' side of the scale so I don't think that would work too well for me :)
  8. gmechanic, is that an Oakley visor/cage combo? How do you like it?
  9. Thanks Edge, I am 5'11" and 165, so I guess a L would be fine.
  10. i wear an XL in the easton bio dri and the ASG jersey. In CCM practice, easton reversable, and nike swift jerseys I wear a XXL. I like my jerseys fairly big though. I'm sure the replica doesn't wick as well as the authentic but it is still decent. Edge, how tall/heavy are you? I'm buying some Easton Bio-Dry jerseys and need to know whether to get L or XL.
  11. For long road trips I suggest Blue Gene Tyranny, a pianist with hypnotic songs. If you're going to an away game, make sure to switch to something with a bit more energy as you near the rink so you don't stand around in a trance on the ice.
  12. The Pope can actually roll down the windows on his Popemobile, though it's probably not the safest idea. He rolled them down while here in Brazil last week.
  13. Try Joanna Newsom if you want something really different. She's a singer/songwriter with a unique voice- and a classical harp.
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