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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by the_next_one

  1. Perfect. I live in Europe ;-) but thanks for the Tips
  2. awesome. do you have a link or an adress where to buy this (or a similar) motor?
  3. alright. another question: how much money did you spent on the sharpener in whole (beside working hours)?
  4. so you even built the engine yourself? is it not some kind of chainsaw or grinder engine?
  5. I only bought the pants from HP... I play more southern than schwenningen. near füssen, but only house league... what about you?
  6. yes, the 9k´s are size 11,5 and the 8k´s are size 11. I bought the 9k´s last week on ebay and must see how they fit... - hope they do!!! :D
  7. My current equipment: Helmet RBK 8K with Hejduk MHX visor Pants CCM Pro Tacks Gloves Mission Matrix Skates1 RBK 8K Skates2 RBK 9K Sticks: Easton Stealth Tomlinson Pro Stock, 2x Warrior Dolomite Draper
  8. --> Heyduk MHX.... :)
  9. hey, i´m your 2nd german fan! :D
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