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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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scorer75 last won the day on January 10 2013

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    Brooklyn, NY

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  1. I also noticed a loss of the edge more quickly than with a regular sharpening. Is this normal?
  2. Just wanted to follow-up as per my previous post. I skated last night on the FBV for the first time, I'm never going back. For those who haven't tried it, my impression was that this is just better. It's not a mind blowing better, just definitely better.
  3. I've only had a total of 3 people of about 800 who tried it who switched back. Two said the 100/75 wasn't sharp enough, one said he just liked his old hollow better, but didn't dislike the FBV. So, 3 of about 800 is pretty good results. I think once you find the FBV setting that feels best for you, you'll be happy. If you're looking for someone who might say, the FBV sucks, I just don't think that's going to happen. :-) it's just too good. Thanks for the reply. Not looking for someone to tell me it sucks, just looking from input from you guys as I'm gonna try FBV next week for the first time. It's hard to believe something so new and revolutionary has been so well accepted. I'm Looking forward to trying it.
  4. So far my research says everyone who has switched to FBV either notices a slight improvement or loves it. Has anyone who has gone to FBV switched back??? If yes, why?
  5. I know what you are saying, I've got a plate and seven screws in my other leg and I was on the ice much quicker then. The break I have doesn't justify surgery though.
  6. It's 4 weeks and 2 days since my ankle was broken. It was a broken fibula about 2" above the ankle. Slightly displaced but with no damage to the ankle itself, I did not need surgery. I'm still in a boot and will be for another 2 weeks for a total of 6 weeks. The doctor said it will take a full 3 months for the bone to heal completely. He also said that I can start PT as soon as the boot comes off and I can expect to get on the ice in another 4 or 5 months. I'm bummed out.
  7. I'd be careful assuming that skating is better than running. Having broken my ankle some years ago with pins inserted at the time, and having a broken ankle once again, I urge you to think of the mechanism of skating and running. While running may provide a greater impact on the ankle with the weight of your body, this does not necessarily stress the bone. Skating on the other hand puts more torsional stress on the ankle with turns and stops. My experience says that you can run before you can skate, but your experience and type of break may be different. Bottom line, none of us are willing (or should be willing) to start skating a week or two earlier at the risk of re-injuring ourselves.
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