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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Guitarmy

  1. No, I didn't pay extra for the rush delivery. I ordered and paid for the gloves on 9/15, and was quoted a ship date of 11/8. They ended up shipping them a month earlier on 10/8, and I received them today. And there was money in the banana stand?! I burned it down!
  2. Ordered these about a month ago and they arrived today. :) 13" narrow, VA-80 foams, yellow mustang palms, and mesh gussets.
  3. How to you like those Mission helmets? Are they both EPP? Really nice room btw, I have one of those Detolfs from Ikea too. :)
  4. Not dropping 1k at a hockey sale would be a good start in saving money. you gotta spend money to make money. ;) Nice PPFs by the way, Darshu.
  5. What kind of visors are those?
  6. haha, sure, if you don't need them. Do you use waxed laces? I have a white set of almost new laces that I can send to you.
  7. get the S17 and give me your laces. ;)
  8. Ebay 101... If you waited til the final minutes to place your bid you may have been able to get them for a lot less ;) I never place a bid with more than 5 minutes to go (usually try to wait til under 1 minute to be honest), especially when you think someone else is watching/bidding Unfortunately I tore my ACL a few weeks ago and am in the process of planning my next course of action, so that means no new gear for me for a while, I'm spending my money on camera gear and/or car parts for the time being (although I'm going to try to get to the Islanders sale to see what I can pick up, I'll make sure to report back if I do). Off topic from show it off, but I only bid with 5 secs left. I cannot for the life of me, figure out why people bid on items days and hours in advance, unless there is a reserve. Can someone explain? A little late, but ebay put in a new feature to combat snipers where you enter in your maximum and it will rebid for you if somebody else places a bid, and your bid will be the lowest necessary to top theirs. So you can enter in 250 or whatever and the system will bid $1 for the opening bid, and when you come in and place a $50 dollar bid, it'll go up to $50.25, and then you go to $100, and it'll top you until you go higher then the other guy's limit. Quite effective anti snipe measure, as you may have learned. The biggest complaints e-bay gets are about people who bid like you, they decided to do something about it. Umm... isn't that how eBay has always worked? eBay actually encourages sniping because if you had placed a previous bid on an item, you can do the fast-bid during the last hour where you don't have to go through the confirmation pages. Here is why sniping works: Lets say you do it your way, and you put in a high first bid. Someone comes in and bids until they are winning, and you come back and out bid him, and so on and things get expensive. Whereas if you put in a high first bid, and I wait until the last few seconds to bid the maximum of what I am willing to pay, I would have saved a lot of money. Sniping bids on eBay is dangerously addictive. It's also pretty funny knowing someone is probably royally pissed at you. :P I've received a couple of profanity-laced messages from guys I outbid before eBay started hiding the bidder's user IDs.
  9. $25. They had a bunch of old EPP and VN Intakes. My buddy and I picked out the only 4 NME's they had left.
  10. Yeah, it has 3 layers of VN.
  11. Picked up two NME helmets at the Sharks sale today. All of a sudden, I have myself a collection. The foam inside the NME are very nice. Very soft and comfortable. Really nice helmets, especially for the price I paid. :D
  12. Nice pickup! Those Shannon's are beauts.
  13. I put one of my Warrior Smyth blades in my new SE16 shaft. The clashing colors bothered me, so I painted the hosel and heel area with silver paint. It actually has a nice fade effect just like on the OPS, but I forgot to take a pic before taping it. I shot a few coats of clear on it so hopefully it will last at least a few skates. Regardless, it has outlasted the paint job on the shaft, which has already started to chip off. <_<
  14. Got my X:60s today... can't wait to try them out tomorrow. :D
  15. You guys are so insecure. :lol:
  16. That's what I thought but I want to know for sure. I ordered the x:60's and I want to get a set of step steel for them.
  17. Can someone with the X:60s in a 7D tell me what the holder size is? Thanks. :)
  18. I think that's just an illusion from the switching to and from cable knit. It looks like its a solid roll with a HD plastic insert. But I'm just going off of appearances :) No, I see those cubes in there too.
  19. The M5 was replaced, yes, but the RS4 is only temporary. Still trying to find the "right" replacement. If all goes as planned, it will be a HOT summer. How does the RS4 compare to the M3? Also nice Range Rover and 360 too. :)
  20. A friend gave it to me for $30. He has some connections with the Sharks equipment people I think.
  21. Yeah, it's a pro stock. I don't have the confidence with a dremel to do it myself. :P
  22. My new helmet/visor combo: :D
  23. Those are classy. Did they upcharge you for that custom cuff as well?
  24. There's a guy at my local rink with a pair of highlighter yellow bauer 4-roll that look almost like that. I think they are a pair of demos.
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