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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by lb33knight

  1. The "life vest" Vapor 8 shoulder pads and Vapor X-Act junior protective
  2. Where do you play hockey? Sand and dirt in the ice? I can see where you are coming from when it comes to stuff on the rubber matting, but quite frankly that's not a big issue where I play. They bring out the Zamboni style floor scrubber every morning. Sure I step on things every once in a while, but when I do that's the nicks that I am talking about. That's when I do sharpen my skates. I am careful though. It's such a pain in the butt to replace steel and try and get them rockered properly, that I am very careful and protective of my steel. I go to great lengths to avoid getting nicks and having to sharpen all the time. I have been in the rink business for 9 years and I have built many ice surfaces. It is the same everywhere. The ice can be very dirty, even if it still looks white.
  3. How about all of the impurities in the ice? Sand, dirt, and so many other things that are in the ice can dull the steel. Ever see dark piles of snow on the ice? How much dirt is in your soakers? How about on the rubber matting leading to the rink. Even if you can't see it it's there.
  4. I don't get it. It says "Fit for shifty players" I'm sure he thought it was another "S" word
  5. If you squint your eyes the V04 looks very similar to the HT2. You can see how they took the old design and morphed it into what is is now. What really makes it look silly, thoughh is the lack of ear loops. The chin strap attaches directly to the ear pieces which most players just take off. Seriously, who over at CCM thought that would be a good idea? And I believe that everyone has overlooked the coolest thing so far. With every purchase of Youth gear you get a free Ovechkin trading card, OMG!!! Check out page 45.
  6. Helmet: NBH 4500 w/ cage Shoulders: none Elbows: Hespeler classic with hinges Gloves: NBH One90 Pants: NBH 6000 Custom Shins: Bauer 5000 Gel Skates: Nike Flexlite 12's Sticks: Easton Stealth CNT, Easton Stealth, RBK 9KO, Easton SiCore Pro Stock, Easton Synergy Pro Stock, TPS Response XN10 Pro Stock Bag: Shock Doctor Power Dry Bag
  7. No official word on when any other patterns (including Lidstrom which is listed in the flyer but actually not available) will be available. Safe guess would be spring/summer of '08.
  8. Where are you located? long island, new york Hmmm, a little far away from me. I'm sure there is someone around that can handle it.
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