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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by _HSB_b345t

  1. I think I recognize a few in there. :D
  2. Thanks man. They are hovering, it's revolutionary technology lol. :P New Flexlite boots:
  3. What can you say about those Winnwells?
  4. Looks like a Bauer One-up Pro off of XXVR Limiteds.
  5. If you do and want to unload the LS2s.. and want to hook a brother up..
  6. Shocking as it may seem, some people may prefer the Hum'er *gasp* over the Vanguard. Blasphemous, I know, but entirely possible.
  7. I have a pair of black on black Zoom Airs that don't fit. Would either of you be interested in adding another pair? :P
  8. Ok, Ferris. ;) I'm glad at least one person caught that.. I was beginning to feel really old. :(
  9. New armor.. $50 shipped for the set! God bless eBay! RBK 7K -- If you ever have the chance to pick up a set, I highly recommend them. They're so choice! :P
  10. What's the flex on that Game Cube?
  11. rough it up a little with a scotchbrite pad then did a layer, let it dry, then another.. did 3 coats in all.
  12. Brand and thank you.
  13. Krylon Metallic.. $4 at Lowe's, a couple of grocery bags and some masking tape.
  14. Should have been studying, but found this more entertaining. I think they turned out pretty good. Masking around the mounts was a bitch, but my gorgeous girlfriend has more patience than I do. It kind of threw me off when I went to put the wheels back in. I had to double check which side was the inside.
  15. No, they are retail- the Rasta Mon Edition Hey....the way that Warrior is doing things....I wouldn't put it past them. ;) Eagle too, huh?
  16. Here are the wares. Some are the lady's, some are mine. Here are the twigs. Again, some are hers, some are mine. The top two are for sale, if anyone wants them.
  17. Where did you get the hummers and get them mounted...nice looking set-up... wHAT KIND OF NUMBERS WERE THOSE? Roman.
  18. Those Labeda Grippers look like Gouda cheese wheels.. without the wax. Sorry.
  19. I think they might be roller hockey pants. They sure look like them. wow, dude.. just, wow
  20. what happened? didn't like the one90 elbows? :P
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