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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Vapor 30's with Mission Mg frame
  • Hockey Bag
    Revision C-Note
  • Shin Pads
    RBK 8k
  • Elbow Pads
    Old Jofa's
  • Pants
    RBK 8k inline girdle
  • Helmet
    CCM Vector with Oakley half shield
  • Gloves
    Rbk pro stock nylon
  • Stick
    Easton (se16 or ST)

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Hockey, hockey & more hockey ... Oh .. and a bit of beer in between
  • Location
  • Gender
  1. Are they FIRS regulation goals? Look like em .... Do the Aus FIRS team play/train from that rink? Hence why they have the FIRS reg nets?
  2. Squarer ... not square. I.e. Less round than a Drury toe. And the face of a Drury is more open than a Weight.
  3. Def looks like a drury/kovalev/frolov type curve to me. 1/2 inch heel with an open face. The warrior Weight has a less open face and a squarer toe.
  4. If you blow during hockey and get caught ... you'll definately get picked on!
  5. So which one do you use the most Ponty?!?! Your stick collection looks like my girls wardrobe ... stuff hanging there with the tags still on it never seen the light of day!
  6. 2 assists in 14.26 of ice time Vs the Hawks ... technically the most productive player in the least amount of time on the rink. Also 4 hits, think the highest guy in the game had 5.
  7. Seriously Tim Tim ... you've got some issues with Gay people right? Why don't you share with us all and just let it out pal?
  8. Skates - CCM PF10 (Inline) Gloves - Vapor XXX (oh so lovely) Elbows - Rbk 6k Shins - Easton Stealth 9 Helmet - CCM Vector with Itech straight cut shield Girdle - Mission Thorax Sticks - Graf G9 85 flex(033 heel curve) 2 x Z-Bubbles both 100 flex XXX Standard shaft 102 flex 15 or so blades all heel or mid curves. ..... Rbk SickKck 85 flex on the way in the pro stock 15 pattern.
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