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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Hi. No LHS where I now live so I always have to guess on sticks. Do the QRE SL's play stiff or whippy compared to their flex rating? I like whippy 85/87 flex sticks or stiff 75/77 flex sticks. The last Warriors I tried were about 10 years ago. I had a Macdaddy 75 flex that played stiff and I liked it. I also bought a 75 flex Dolomite after the Macdaddy broke and it was way too whippy for me. I do understand the difference between low and high kickpoints and can use both effectively so that is not the issue. Any advice on ordering a QRE SL for me? Thanks!
  2. good eye, i see that in the text now. i thought they were all 80. im glad they went the hilo route.
  3. wow what size wheels are those? perhaps the photo is misleading. is that your custom chassis? ive always dreamed of an 80-76-80-80 chassis that was lower than all setups and slightly shorter wheelbase. second wheel from front would be the 76.
  4. i had the mission rpms also, i loved those skates except for the mini bearings that they came with. im glad that trend died. i miss that style of skate, where the boot would completely wrap your ankle but then flex more.
  5. what surface are you playing on? it sounds like perhaps wood tile or something else that is tough on wheels as you should get much more life using 74a at your weight on most sport court. if the floor is tough on wheels, id move to a single pour wheel like labeeda gripper. you could probably stay at the 74a if you need that grip.
  6. Looks like the second wheel isn't recessed. I'm hoping that isn't the case.
  7. thanks. the 2s seemed to offer really good forward flex while being very stiff in the lateral direction.
  8. I haven't purchased skates in a long time and there are no hockey shops near me. Recently when I was out of town for business, I was able to try on some Supreme 2S skates and vapor X800. As I've come to find, the Vapor line fits me poorly. But the 2S skates felt great and with good heel lock. The shop was extremely busy, I had limited time and didn't intend to buy so I ended it there, satisfied that I fit the supreme line. In a perfect world, the supreme skate would be a little more narrow though and slightly less ankle volume for me. Which brings me to my questions. 1) I really don't need the performance of the 2S, but was looking at them because I was under the impression that the Curv Composite would wrap my foot better during baking and provide a better fit and better support. Is this the case? If not, I'm sure I would be just as satisfied with the S29, enjoying the extra cash in my wallet. What are the benefits of Curv? 2) Would the S29s fit the same as the 2S? 3) Does the tightness of the heel pads relax during baking, losing some of the heal lock? This seemed to happen in my last pair of skates but it has been so long I can't remember for sure. By searching, it seems that others have experienced this too. Thanks!
  9. is there a reputable company in the states that i can ship my boots and chassis to for conversion? only looking for someone who is skilled at the process and not just replacing ice holders. no shops near me. thanks
  10. looks hideous to me. hopefully there is some product improvement and not just cute colors.
  11. I’ve been using my RPD Max for a couple months now and I am very happy with them. Honestly, I was skeptical of the ability of the skate to form to my narrow forefoot, but just like Justin said, through baking they wrapped around my foot nicely. The all 80 setup does have a little more grip that hilo which I’ve used for the last 15 years. I haven’t noticed any more speed from all 80. The all 80 setup is flatter pitched than hilo and I don’t feel these skates offer any better forward flex than any other skates (maybe I’m just spoiled in forward flex because of my graf ice skates). The only area this has noticeably impacted my game is on backwards cross-overs. I wish they were pitched less flat but then they would be either too tall or 76mm wheels so I understand the compromise. I was also worried about the increased wheel base of the all 80 setup but I don’t’ think it has affected my skating. Two construction disappointments: when I received the skates, I couldn’t remove two of the axles. The axle bolt material is cheap and the allen hex’s were machined too large. During assembly, they were overtorqued and threadlock applied. I used the largest fitting allen I could find, and the heads still stripped when I tried to loosen them. Luckily inline warehouse has great customer service and they sent me two replacement axles but I still had to drill out the stripped bolts which was a pain. I should have asked for two more because I have a couple other partially stripped bolt heads that I was able to remove without too much damage to the allen head. The other disappointment is that the tongue was advertised as fully perforated on IW website. The perforation is only on the top half of the tongue and it is only in the felt. The liner and lace bite pad on the tongue prevent the felt perforation from being effective. Overall I’m very happy with the skate and the adjustment from skating hilo to all 80 took only a few skates for me. This is the first skate ive had in a long time that causes no pain at all. I hope to have these a very long time. Good job Alkali.
  12. Do all of the new generation of Alkali skates fit the same? I tried on what i think were the RPD team and the fit seemed pretty good. I'm interested in the RPD max but the shop doesn't carry them. Will they fit the same? Any comments about slightly less/more volume/width/length due to the material differences will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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