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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by camhockey16

  1. Shame about the 50th goal but good point Shoeshine Boy. I think one fact a lot of people forget when comparing Crosby and Ovechkin is that Ovechkin is 2 years older.

    Sidebar - did Sid wear the visor tilted up the whole game? Before the game it was up, and when he was talking to Streit after the Poni hit it was tilted up, but did he leave it like that the whole time?

    i was confused about the whole 50th goal play as well - i was at the game and thought for sure it went off guerin, but when ref skated over and talked to guerin and then skated over to the scoring box and signaled 13 with his hands. So I assumed that guerin must have said it did touch him. Then like 5 mins later they announced the goal as crosby's and instantly panned to crosby on the bench where he was shaking his head no.

  2. http://xboxlive.ign.com/articles/107/1077464p1.html

    Details about Infinity Ward's upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 map pack, titled the Stimulus Package, have been posted on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace website. This download contains five maps in total, two of which appeared in the first Modern Warfare title.

    This pack will be available to download on Xbox LIVE starting on March 30. PS3 and PC owners will have to wait a bit longer.

    Here are the map descriptions:

    Bailout - a multi-level apartment complex

    Storm - an open industrial park littered with heavy machinery

    Salvage - a snowy junkyard fortified by stacked debris and crushed cars

    Crash - a war-torn urban environment (CoD4)

    Overgrown - features a massive dry creek bed (CoD4)

    Update: Activision has confirmed the pack will cost 1200 Microsoft points ($14.99).

  3. i was trying to think what actor could play DP and the best i could think of so far is steve-o, i think i can do better i just gotta think more :P

    i already know who would play JR


    are those pretty good? - i could probably come up with better ones if i think a little longer

  4. somehow i missed that movie - although i've seen virtually every mel brooks, and zucker brothers movie from that era..

    dp must have been the photographer cause i had a hard time finding him in those pics, other than in the group shot

    on a side note - seem to be alot of puck bunnies in those pics. heh heh

  5. its a little early to say he is a sniper - he has played games before with the pens and didn't do much - but it would be nice if he can get a little bit of chemistry going with sid. I think the most important thing is he isn't overthinking anything and when he shoots he actually hits the net - unlike alot of other people that sid has played with. Chances are when sid finds you open in the offensive zone you had better one time it or get rid of it quick.

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