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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. http://tsn.ca/mlb/story/?id=330330 This is what's wrong with sports. Quebec was eliminated from the tournament. The team stayed around to heckle and cheer against the host team. The host team eventually snapped after losing, which was wrong in itself to confront the hecklers. Why wouldn't Quebec just go home?
  2. The prelim fights were better than those on the card. That main event was a boring fight, but Machida? Seriously? Unanimous?
  3. also no ads on the dashers HSBC just installed new boards and glass....they didn't have time to get rink boards on before tonights game...It looked really old school. Been a LONG time since I saw a game with no ads. Olympics...
  4. Underpowered? Where are you getting your information guy? Maybe the Yaris? Even that has enough snap to get you by, -My brother just bought an 04' Tundra, leather interior and heated and all that jazz, and it's pretty mint, and were in Red Deer.
  5. Nothing to be ashamed of. Impressive, betcha they're glad they didn't trade him for Kessle. I hope Canada was watching, maybe get a World Championship call?
  6. I have to wear a visor, and would rather wear nothing, so a short visor is ideal.
  7. Edited for truth At the end of the vid he has boys written down. Just curious what level you play? Those kids are in high school, some might be small, but they're are some, as said, who are going places in hockey on that team.
  8. du gros hockey, ra ra...tite shot de francais la? Gave me a laugh.
  9. We have the exact same jersyes as you, just with a different logo. I'll try to post some pics. Pretty sure those are the same thing the Nashville Predators wear, therefore I'm sure many teams have that set up with a different logo...
  10. The more I watch the WJC, would he not be getting much more ice, as Canada is lacking offensive firepower. I don't see how it would hinder is development playing there, but if he's getting his ice in St. Louis than I guess it's better for his development, even if it hurts to see Canada failing to muster some offense.
  11. I know I'm not exactly contributing to the thread, but can we please stop quoting pictures over and over again? Maybe it's just me that's annoyed by it..
  12. Congratulations David, you're living the dream. And to his older brother, you should be some proud of you're little brother because you played just as great of role as anyone in getting him there. Go win the Calder David!
  13. Agreed, I was hoping they'd give atlantic Canada at least a game or at least Quebec, but they didn't, it's kind of disapointing.
  14. JR are you running the oakley small?
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