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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by adam14

  1. unfortunately, i live in one hell of an expensive country, where paint is 8 bucks and the warrior ak27 is 300... I think I would be thinking of moving! :lol: Hate to see what your gas prices are like. ;) Well hope theres lots of good hockey...that can always make up for the bad. the hockey is pretty good, and at the end of next year, i'll be applying to university in the US or canada, because im sick of this place...
  2. why would you candy cane a goalie stick?
  3. unfortunately, i live in one hell of an expensive country, where paint is 8 bucks and the warrior ak27 is 300...
  4. yea it is graf paint, Montana and Molotow are probably your best bet if you're looking for high quality spray paint. To me wasting paint like that on a hockey stick is a shame but it is your money so do as you like. You'll probably have to order the stuff online though, so to me it's a waste of time and money especially with shipping. i guess it depends where you live, theres a shop down the street from the rink that sells all kinds of cans and markers and stuff.. but you can buy a decent sized can for 5 bucks, lasted me all year when i needed to spray stuff...
  5. if you're gonna spray paint your equipment, dont get the cheap crappy spray paint, i learned here in switzerland that the stuff that works most effectively is called Montana Hardcore, I think its like graffiti paint, or specifically made for that purpose, anyway, doesnt wear, it isnt more expensive then the no name brand, great on my sticks.
  6. if im not mistaken, in the david perron thread, theres a pic of him in his team canada locker room, and you see his white 9ks in front of him, and in his plastic box thingy, you can see the white shoe polish lol!
  7. i didnt realise there were figure skaters posting on this board, now i'll watch my language ;)
  8. go audio avenged sevenfold the wombats say anything (wow, i can get sexual to, best song ever) the used scouting for girls the kooks zebrahead scary kids scaring kids new found glory boys like girls paramore madina lake Funeral for a friend the almost rise against bowling for soup the list goes on, all rock- indy- metal depending on what you like, im 17 so it varies all the time. props to a friend for giving me half those bands.
  9. im actually canadian, but i live in switzerland, good guess! :D any ways, heres some of my gloves, and some of the pile of sticks laying around in my garage, the st is my new main one for inline/summer hockey, the rbk sickick was my main one for ice, but if you look closely you can see it broke and is flipped. other sticks are random lefties and righties from various pro swiss players, the xn 10 is a pro stock mark mowers, and the nike shaft has a mission pro stock letowski blade in it but its a couple years old. Am I a glove whore TBL? :P oh and if you look closely you can see my 9ks at the bottom!
  10. Its acutally beer, plastic surgery and animal food. Wicked pant for a nice buck. If they are too annoying, you can take the Velcros off and you are ready to go. dont forget media markt! Ich Bin Doch Nicht Bloed! best add ever.
  11. hey bucko, that rink looks kinda european, where abouts do you play?
  12. sorry for the blury-ness my sis cant take pictures worth a crap :P
  13. whats that ccm shaft gonna sell for when it comes out in retail? im talking about the 10.0, i hope its not overly priced because i usually manage to get about 4 months out of a ccm shaft, any ideas? because im thinkin about picking one up...
  14. can somebody give me a description of all the different eagle models? i know theres cp 94 x72 x70, but on a price ladder, which one is at the top and at the bottom, and what do they go for at retail? estimations are fine, but thanks in advance..
  15. had a question, no shafts or blades and was wondering what their high end standard and tapered shafts were
  16. update: Sticks: SicKick Sakic Curve, CCM V10.0, Broken sticks: One90, CNT Shaft, Vapor 40 shaft, ccm v10.0 shaft, easton synergy ST, CCM V10.0, Gloves: NBH One90 all navy 13'/NBH One90 black whit red (canada baby!)14' Bag: ccm V6.0
  17. helmet- RBK 7K white, with Cage. Neckguard- Iteech shoulderpads- Itech sumthin.. elbow pads- easton stealth pants- ccm pro tacks 692 shin pads- RBK 3k 14' skates- rbk 9k pump sticks- nikeBauer one90, warrior shogun underwear- nike dry gear bottom, bauer cotton top. nike hockey bag.
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