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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bure401

  1. any chance of a lie estimate on those? I'm garbage at eyeballing that shit.
  2. Is there something different about the outsole on those one90s? Maybe I'm imagining that..
  3. Dig that completely, my only point being that this entirely different skate took the place of the XXX, another individual, seperate particular skate. No clue as to how Bauer's gonna handle this, but if there were a way to offer both (x50 v. x60), that would seem advantageous to business and player. Usually I can't stand this speculation shit, but it would be nice.
  4. For this season's orders, our Bauer rep gave a few of us the option of getting vapor XXXs dressed as 40s, old non-composite toecap, old XXX fit, tongue etc. A lot of guys, myself included, jumped at it. I wonder if Bauer is listening to the players and realizing maybe the XXXX wasn't a step forward as they may have hoped.
  5. It's funny that people don't talk more on this site about the durability of those old supremes. My father plays a couple times a week and has had the same pair for a solid 15 years, and besides feeling like they're made of silly puddy they're in really good condition. I feel like a lot of people have gotten serious mileage out of those wheels, and I always felt like they looked sick. Kariya is a good example, I remember hearing dude's got the same skates he used to drop 100 at Maine in like '91.
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