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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by NoAngleDangler

  1. Those gloves put Darth Vader to shame. :D
  2. Those Vectors look great. Not usualy a fan of Mission skates but those Fuels look pretty good also. Nice skates.
  3. Where'd you pick up the game cube? I've been looking all over my LHS for one.
  4. Haha what was Khabby doing there? That was like an akward TSA pat down.
  5. Update: Hemlet: NikeBauer 5500 With Jofa 480 White Cage Glove: NikeBauer 4 Rolls Pants: Bauer 3000 Skate: Vector 10.0 Shins: Jofa's Elbow: Ithech Stick: 100 Flex Forsburg SE
  6. just wondering what is the "toy drive" everyone keeps talking about?
  7. Helmet- Rbk with Jofa white cage Sholdies- Easton Stealth 9's Pants- Easton One90's Jock- Shock Doctor Velcro Short Shins- Jofa's Skates- Vapor XXXX's Stick- Vapor XXX lite
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