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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About adcool17

  • Birthday 10/02/1986


  • Skates
    Bauer X:60
  • Hockey Bag
    Bauer Vapor Carry Bag
  • Shin Pads
    RBK 9K
  • Elbow Pads
    RBK 9K
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer x:60
  • Pants
    Bauer TotalOne
  • Helmet
    Bauer 4500 w/ Bauer HS22
  • Gloves
    Warrior Franchise
  • Stick
    Easton EQ50/RS/SE16/s19 - 100/Durry

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Hockey, Cars, TV (TSN, Sportsnet, The Score, Discovery Channel, TBS, Spike, Comedy Channel), Music (The Hold Steady, Imortal Technique), Beer, Food, Girls, Montreal Canadiens, Hamilton Bulldogs, Golf and golf equipment lol, ect ect ect....
  • Location
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  1. Nothing special about these puppies (PPF)... http://imageshack.us...405/glove4.jpg/ http://imageshack.us...513/glove3.jpg/ http://imageshack.us...17/glove2z.jpg/ http://imageshack.us...42/glove1b.jpg/
  2. Thanks! lol....you think it would help, but I still suck with them. I should have...the 9:45 one wasn't that great....
  3. Hear is the current set up..... Montreal Stuff...and russia gloves... Extra Stuff....
  4. Are those shoulders CCM v06 w/ RBK caps?? Either way they look really good.
  5. Bauer Vapor XXXX 10.5 D Time – 6 Months 3-4 times a week Height – 6,1 Weight – 215lbs Previous Skate – Bauer Supreme Comp 10.5 D Fit: These skates fit very comfortable right out of the box for me. I did find that I was in between a 10 and a 10.5 so obviously I did go with the bigger size, because I think the 10s would have been just a little bit too small even if I did try to stretch them later. I did like the width and length of the toe box. I have calluses on the outside of each of my big toes. They are not rubbing as much as they did with my supreme’s, and were they connected the boot to the toe cap is just short of where my calluses began. I baked these skates once and still I found the tongue to be very stiff out of the box, but once broken in it is very comfortable and effective and provide a better overall fit. At first the higher cut of the vapor boot was annoying, as my ankle wasn’t allowed to move as freely as it once did. I did incur some rubbing on the outside of my ankles but after some skating and adjusting how I tie my skates (how tight/loose to find the perfect balance) that problem is gone and I believe I am a better skater because of it. Overall it did take some tinkering but now that I got everything worked out it feels amazing. 8/10 Blade/Holder: I do find that the steel holds its edge very well. No more or less than the regular Stainless that came on the custom plus of my Supremes. What I do like about the holders is how the puck reacts when I take a pass in the feet. I find that they don’t bounce or rocket off but have a very dead feel and just kind of roll to the blade of my stick. I found with my custom plus that they did rocket off and notice that some of my friends that had the epro and razor 2 holder have a similar reaction. I do feel like I can feel the edge of my skate a bit better on the LS2 holder then the custom plus, which has help in cornering and transitions/pivoting in my skating. 9/10 Weight: These are by no means as light as the S15 or U+, but still pretty light especially coming from my Supremes. 9/10 Protection: I didn’t really get to see how durable these skates are until about month 5 were I had a CIS training camp/tryouts. I was blocking shots, taking sticks and other skates, and I was really surprised in how protective they were. In terms of blocking shots you can feel them when they hit, but no significant pain was endured, and there were some pretty hard shots. There are cuts and marks on the outside of the skate, but those are all cosmetic and none affect the performance and is a part of the game. 10/10 Durability: The outside of the skate has some marks and cuts on them as mentioned above, but again none affect the performance. The holder and steel are holding up as well, though the steel will have to be replaced soon. The laces right at the top have ripped through the tongue, but that is mostly because of my aggressive skating style and have very little to do with manufacturing. The liner is starting to rip right at the top close to the top eyelet, and the more I wear them the more the liner starts to give away. This is the only part of the skate I am worried about not holding up. I am pretty sure it is just from the tongue rubbing the liner when I skate. The same thing happened with my Supremes but not nearly as bad or as quickly as the XXXX did. 8/10 Intangibles: I really liked the look of the skate, everything flows. They just look fast sitting on the wall!!! 10/10 Conclusion: The skates felt good out of the box, but once I got skating on them I did have to adjust to the differences in the cut, and stiffness of the skate. Now that I feel they are truly broken in they are an amazing skate, and looking forward to the new Vapor line coming out in the spring. 9/10
  6. helmet - ccm v10/bauer 8000 cage - nbh 9500 shoulder pads - nbh supreme 70 elbow pads - rbk 9k gloves - easton synergy pro 4 rolls pants - easton pro shin pads - rbk 9k skates - nbh vapor xxxx sticks - easton se durry 100
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