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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by EBondo

  1. hahaha just messing with you......but seriously.
  2. I just cried a little bit. Man I miss the Tacks...
  3. Adam Schefter made sure to point out that over Seau's career, he never landed on the Injury List for a concussion. Not to say he never had one, but worth noting.
  4. It's a retail P88 pattern. I'm gonna end up using the stick, and if it breaks, well then it'll have a home on the wall lol...I wouldn't be spending 239 bucks on it to put it on the wall haha
  5. Haha you too man, nice to see the car in-person haha
  6. Just picked up my new baby. So stoked. This should hold me off until the RBZ
  7. I've watched this seven or eight times, and still gives me chills the way it did the first time. Crazy. I wonder how many people in the crowd actually thought "HOLY S... IT'S PAC!!!!" due to WHATEVER substances were being passed around lol
  8. RIP to Dick Clark, for sure, but I don't get why I'm seeing so many shocked people over it...he's been on borrowed time since 2004 if you ask me...still will be weird to not see him on NYE.
  9. Yeah haha, I should have said something about MSH but it completely slipped my mind.
  10. Hahaha I figured that was you and FATPHILLY there yesterday. I was the short guy in the Simmer shirt haha. Nice pickups.
  11. Nice, should look even better with the drop.
  12. Nice, can't wait to see the progress on that. 5 Minute Major: you got an Si? THAT I'm dying to see pictures of. Are you on 8thcivic?
  13. That's....beautiful. Plan on doing anything with the wheels or are you gonna keep the stockies?
  14. Love my Darroll Powe X:60's..perfect glove.
  15. Hockey Giant in Cherry Hill has a couple of the skates (CA3, 5), but that's about it. Thanks a ton for posting that though, because I was going to go to HockeyMonkey on Monday to look at the CA7's lol, and I would have been very frustrated if I drove an hour and a half to not find them there haha. Now I just need to figure out what size in the CA7, 9 or 9.5. Hmm.
  16. How do you like the CA7's? I'm probably picking up a pair in a couple of weeks.
  17. HockeyMonkey is a drive for me, I'm only 5-10 minutes away from HG, so I'm gonna have them order me a pair instead.
  18. They didn't have the CA7's in store, so I tried on the CA5's instead, shame they don't come in half sizes. I think I'll get the 9.5's in the 7's
  19. Looks like I'll be heading over to Hockey Giant tomorrow to try on the CA7's, hopefully they'll be my next skates!
  20. Herrafrush!!! Haha, I'm a fan of low, as long as it's done tastefully. Like this.
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