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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by EBondo

  1. Would it surprise you if not even two weeks ago, she purchased said $300 dollar helmet?
  2. This is exactly what I dealt with yesterday. Armed with her trusty iPad and the article loaded up, she came in wanting three of the helmets. Regardless of what I tried to explain to her regarding how each person's head is different, and one helmet may not fit while another one may, she wasn't having it and wasn't going to accept any suggestion I offered. Fortunately, one of the kids was with her, and the helmet did end up properly fitting him.
  3. Had a woman come in today and buy three Krowns specifically because of this article.....thanks, ma'am! Haven't sold one of them in months.
  4. Has there been any info on how much the Speed Plate is going to retail for?
  5. Parents wanted me to give it up altogether, but no way in hell I could do that. Especially working in a hockey store haha
  6. New brace after my latest knee injury...now to invest in a new pair of shins wide enough to cover the sidebars on it.
  7. Did these up for a buddy of mine yesterday. Nexus 6000 boots, Labeda Hum'er Eviction chassis, Millenium extra-softs, Swiss bearings
  8. These would fit in PERFECTLY with the Alkali Assault team I was playing for haha, unfortunately though due to me still rehabbing my knee, don't think I'll be playing this year. But, they were too nice to pass up and I'm gonna use them as motivation to get back haha Got them through work, but they're also online too. HG has them. They're UMaine colors, so yeah, navy blue and baby blue.
  9. I'm not even playing hockey currently, but I couldn't pass these up...
  10. Got the MRI results today for the umpteenth knee injury I've had since 2005... Dislocated kneecap, sprained MCL and fibular ligaments, and a torn medial retinaculum. I don't know for sure, yet, but it might be time to hang them up...
  11. Didn't realize you were on this site haha, nice. I'm the other Erik from HG haha
  12. ....Mine are better.........hahaha Chase, had no issues with my mounting. Used all coppers on it.
  13. Some TORHS pictures... https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t31.0-8/s960x960/10450261_10202408136907997_1856855672807862886_o.jpg
  14. I can put this in the sweet spot, because it all ended well. First national tournament roller hockey game with kovalchuk71 and the Alkali Assault...took a high stick that put us on the power play, which we eventually scored on to end the game 8-0. Had a goal myself as well, and didn't lose any teeth in the process! First time being hit in five or six years of wearing a visor, but, needless to say, going to work tomorrow to buy a cage.
  15. Thanks! The new Nexus line is light years better than the previous I think. Totally reimagined, light as hell, and comfortable in every way, for me at least. I think Bauer hit a home run with these, and I really hope they sell well.
  16. Cherry Hill, NJ Yeah, that's where I did em at lol By the way, first skate on them was today, and my oh my are they nice. Going to take a few skates to break them in, obviously. They were super, super stiff. But one of the most comfortable skates I've worn in a long time. I think Bauer hit a home run with these.
  17. Finished them today! Cannnnnot wait to use them tomorrow. Bauer Nexus 8000 skates Hi-Lo Vanguard chassis Rink Rat Hornet Split wheels Hi-Lo Swiss LE bearings
  18. Finally able to get the right size, so did the conversion on them today. Can't wait to use them tomorrow, insanely happy with the way they turned out.
  19. Thanks for the kind words, guys. It's been a tough 24 hours, but I know we did the right thing. Went and saw 22 Jump Street last night with the friends so it was nice to have some laughs for the night. But when I got home and he wasn't there it hit me again, and today was pretty rough. Our neighbors stopped by today with a card for us, and a vase with a bunch of marbles in it. Clever, and awesome gesture from them which made me smile. Whenever he purred, it always made a sound like when you have a bunch of marbles in your hand, which is where the name comes from. Still gonna take some time to get over, but, we know we made the right decision.
  20. Two year anniversary of my grandmother passing away, and my parents decide today is a good day to put our 19-year old cat down. I'm only 24...so he's been around really for as long as I've been able to form my own thoughts and emotions. Best pet I've ever owned and will ever own...
  21. Newest conversion will be posted on Saturday...can't wait to try them out on Sunday. After a sizing snafu because I had to buy them blindly, being an unreleased skate, I'll finally have the right size on Fridayl
  22. 20 hours into my 24th birthday, no happy birthday text or message or anything from my "best friend...." pretty crappy feeling. Guess I know where I stand when it comes to me and her boyfriend...
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