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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About gelowitz

  • Birthday 08/13/1946

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  1. How did you move the velcro pads on the chest part of the shoulder pads?
  2. Diggin' the croc...what's the lie? It looks high but it might just be the angle of the camera.
  3. Thanks. I wish I had known that when I was at Pro Hockey Life today...hah.
  4. Only way you can get a smaller width than D is going custom, right?
  5. It would look SO much better with a white toecap.
  6. I came. Those are sick. I came twice. I want some XXXX's now.
  7. Why? You still wouldn't have it. :P Dirty curve.
  8. If I had a dollar for every time I've said..."I'm done buying gear" You could buy more gear?
  9. I never really understood why people taped the hosel on their sticks. What do they think it's going to do?
  10. Heard he was some guy from Russia. Seems good, but I don't know, I sometimes have doubts.
  11. how similar is the pm9 to the p88? i love the p88, also any other brands that are close i tried using the pattern db and it said nothing is like it PM9: mid-heel, slightly open, lie 5 P88: mid, open, lie 6
  12. I think all of you are making this a little too complicated...
  13. OLD VAPOR LINE CURRENT VAPOR LINE NEW VAPOR LINE XXX XXXX X60 X50 XXV X40 They aren't the same skate, but same price-point/spec as JR said.
  14. What? That thing sold tons of units and they were tanks. Yeah, I loved mine, I wish they still sold them.
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