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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Bauer Supreme One75s
  • Hockey Bag
    Team Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer Supreme 70s
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer XXXX
  • Shoulder Pads
    Easton somethingorothers
  • Pants
    Winwell pro stock
  • Helmet
    RBK 8k
  • Gloves
    Bauer Vapor X
  • Stick
    Bauer Vapor XXXX and Bauer Vapor XXX

Contact Methods

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  • ICQ
  1. He already said he used krylon for the toe cap and although not stated he probably used a sharpie for the pump.
  2. New Stuff Helmet: RBK 8k Gloves: Bauer Vapor X (team issue) Skates: One75 Shins: Supreme 70s Elbow Pads: Vapor XXXX Shoulders: Stealth 5s Sticks: Bauer Vapor XXXX, Easton SE16, Dolo shaft with SE blade Pants: RBK 7k
  3. December 1st!? Thats not very fair. Oh well, still before christmas...
  4. Does anybody know when it is coming to the US?
  5. It actually makes a lot of sense that they would hide the X60s. Hrmmmm...
  6. I hope the X:60 sticks are better than the XXXXs. Has anybody spotted pros using them?
  7. Nice pickup! I hope you tell us how it is!
  8. Got one75s yesterday. Skated in them today, great skate!
  9. New Stuff! Vapor XXXX elbow pads Supreme 70 shin pads and getting new skates this weekend!
  10. Yeah, nice pants. Are they 9ks?
  11. Helmet: Blue RBK 8k Gloves: Blue Bauer Vapor X + Black Bauer Vapor XXXs (cant use these for highschool :( ) Skates: Bauer Vapor XXII Sticks: Vapor XXXX, XXX lite, soon to be S17 Shoulder Pads: Easton Stealth Pants: Pro Stock Somethingorothers starts with an M and its not mission... Soon to have some new ones
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