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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by caldakid

  1. Are those projekt elbows? Are they the same as the retail ones?
  2. would like to see what jerseys you wear those with tho? mixed feelings
  3. That red one95 4 sticks down is that a Kane prostock?? looks like his curve
  4. 2 goals tonight.. pretty sick
  5. love when people pay top dollar for OV pro stocks thinking it will make them play like him
  6. what jerseys does your team have that you can match those tavares gloves to? lol
  7. they just had a piece on FBV on tsn with That's Hockey.. pretty interesting
  8. pro stock backstrom one95
  9. Old / New RBK 5ks with Revision Variant and Mission Swiss New Vapor XXXX Super Feet Mission Vanguard Revision Variant Bones Reds
  10. thats pretty pricy imo for 40's
  11. my prostock one95 is also c28
  12. wow what happened to that se16, slashed?
  13. i assume you play roller, i see you razor the bottom of the blade. what type of surface do you play on and how is the wear on those sticks?
  14. played well last night, but oshie is twice the player so far imo
  15. i havent had problems with the graphics on any of my warrior sticks.. weird
  16. pro stock warrior ak27 warrior dolomite hd
  17. that arena looks emppttyy, whats the atmosphere like at TB games?
  18. sick! is that burrows pro stock?
  19. is the mag frame that much of a improvement over the aluminum one? worth over double the price?
  20. wow those elbows are old school
  21. wow super sick, must be light as hell.
  22. what chassis is that on your one95's
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