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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About pavel96

  • Birthday 02/20/1992


  • Skates
    white rbk 9k
  • Hockey Bag
    notre dame hockey
  • Shin Pads
    nike v12
  • Elbow Pads
    sherwood 5030
  • Shoulder Pads
    sherwood 5030 (my babies), rbk 6k
  • Pants
    tackla girdle
  • Helmet
    bauer 5000 w/ itech deluxe II full shield
  • Gloves
    blue rbk 9k
  • Stick
    s17,o-stick,sickick,stealth cnt grip w/ ak 27 blade

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  1. thats a good collection pro stock?
  2. Those V-Hex are one-piece sticks.... the V-Hex 2 is a tapered shaft/tapered blade combo. As for the rest of your post, I dunno where you're getting at... so yeah. oh didnt know that was 2-piece, and that campor or w/e isnt good
  3. i like those v-hex's what is the difference between that and the v-hex too. And all of you need yo come down for that stick it is awful bottom line, u will never find that cheap trash in my hand, you are a pure bender if u use that
  4. wow so nice but one95's are so stiff nice gloves.....bad stick
  5. i cant it doesnt load on my comp sorry brosiff
  6. those eatons ar ooollldddd, y does he still use those
  7. those are some nice finds
  8. wow thats a nice rod
  9. anybody know where i can see a picture of the r10 stick or does anybody have a link?
  10. Employees of GM get in the day before. So I'm assuming he's an employee. Might as well post pics of my stuff now. Sticks: http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r29/Dou...ucksSale005.jpg http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r29/Dou...ucksSale007.jpg top to bottom: A.Miller Response Lite, S17 Sakic, SE Sakic, Ryder One90, Dolo shaft w/ PS Park blade, Mueller RM19, Rafalski VHex grip, x2 J.Hansen Sickick, 7V* R. Rypien Sickick Few pairs of gloves: http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r29/Dou...ucksSale008.jpg XXX's, Pro stock Edler XXXX's [/ nice stuff...are that black tps an r8? omg what a collection
  11. are those pro stock pro tacks?
  12. nice sticks but u need new skates and gloves
  13. i hate eagles but those are beautiful
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