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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Kachun

  1. ooo nice, good to know what exactly it was for heh, thx for the info JR =D
  2. there's some extra cushioning added to the side of it, which is why some of the XXXX logo is cut off, umm the lace holes are double stitched, and that's about it. I had a pair of XXXX of Cody Bass' before which had a custom tongue, which i think were the tongues on the old supremes, but i traded them with my friend cause these fit better on me.
  3. Just bought these at the Ottawa Senators equipment, cost me a little under $200 for everything: Bauer One90 Custom Shaft (Rounded Top) Bauer Vapor XXXX skates Bauer Wood Blade RBK Edge Socks
  4. yes sir, specifically in kanata, you?
  5. I know...the gloves throw off EVERYTHING.
  6. yeah it's still stiff, and my shots are still fine, don't feel any difference. BUT it does making a cracking sound everytime i flex it.
  7. Nothing special as i only play in beer leagues AND i have a question, i have a crack in my one90 thats along the top of the blade, here's a picture of it... it only, extends along the top of the blade, should i be worried about it?
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