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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I love the color combo. I always play around with the customizer but just can't bring myself to spend that much on gloves. If I did I'd go with a black main, silver pinky/cuff and red where yours are black, and probably just silver/gray outline. They look real nice in red though, too. Or is that maroon?
  2. No worries. It's not all SVC guys, I've come across jerks of all ages. I just notice a lot of SVC guys at the rink because they're always in their team gear and they stick together. Most guys I run across are cool.
  3. AHHHH St Vincent! I don't know how many SVC guys I've seen during sticktime at Center Ice. It gets annoying when there's 4 or 5 team guys there being all douchy to the sucky people.
  4. I just got back from my first time out with an FBV sharpening and all I can say is WOW! I got 100/50...I think, it's whatever is closest to 1/2 inch. Been weeks since I got it done but haven't had time to get on the ice and I forget what I got. I'm very very average at skating, so the differences were pretty clear. I noticed a lot more glide and was able to carry more speed. Edges seemed about the same, like a nicely broken in 1/2". I wasn't sliding out or feeling like I was digging in too much. Another big plus is actually having a quality sharpening. I hadn't noticed how off my previous ones were until going to this new place. I'm a very happy convert, and I'm never going back to a normal hollow unless it's unavoidable.
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