Helmet: Mission Intake(white) bauer 4500 cage - the helmet is great, good airflow and very comfertable cage is also great RBK 8k(navy) no cage/visor - i can't say i like it that much but it does its job Shoulder Pads-CCM 452-it does its job Elbow pads-Jofa 9135 Gloves-Nike bauer vapour XX - love these gloves, and the palm is just wicked Nike bauer pro 4 roll - also love these gloves, very comfertable, mobile, and protective Easton Synergy 900 - VERY protective, alot less mobile though Pants-Mission M-1 - work well although i wish the kidney pads had more protection Shin Guards- Nike bauer 8000 - work great, comfertable and protective, although i wish i had gotten one90 shin gaurds instead but for personal nit picky reasons Skates- Easton stealth 555 - don't like them that much but its what was available i out grew them and they did their job, hopefully upgrading to Nike bauer one 55 Stick- Warrior Dolomite Int. 65 flex fedorov curve - i absolutely love this stick