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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by then00b

  1. Wearing enough orange there shorty? Haha, even your laces and stick tape are orange.
  2. Nice skates JCYC, I am currently wearing the same. Keep at it, it gets more fun as you get better. Whats goin on in that post vdubbin posted? Two guys look like they're about to get in a fight while the other guy is trying to skate around them...
  3. 420 flex? That shaft has gotta be whippy as crap... You bought the non-tapered one seen here right? Hull soft grip?
  4. Helmet: Bauer 8000 Shoulder Pads- Easton Synergy Elbow- CCM 552 Tacks (?) Shins- Easton Synergy Skates- 2003 Easton Z-Air Comp SE's Sticks- Inno Novius Soft Grip w/ Inno Mogilny blade, Easton Stealth, Broken XN10 with L-2 Blade, Waiting for either RBK 7k or Mission Hex-1
  5. Easton Classic :D (Soon to be Stealths whenever Easton sends me my Web Christmas ones... :( )
  6. Just called about SL. SL- $149.99 SL Grip- $169.99
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