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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Koho Titanium 3380 Pro Return
  • Hockey Bag
    Bauer Classic Silver
  • Shin Pads
    Cooper 900
  • Elbow Pads
    Winwell Comp Ext
  • Shoulder Pads
  • Pants
    Winwell Pro Stock Navy
  • Helmet
    CCM HT, Jofa 386, Bauer 4500, Easton S9 Pro Stock
  • Gloves
    Winwell Pro Stock, Easton 4-Roll Pro Stock
  • Stick
    Mission Hex-1 Shafts 90 Flex, RBK 5k Phaneuf Blades

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  1. automorph those CP's look great, I'm guessing you have a nice jersey to go with them too?
  2. Yeah that definitely looks like the old Bauer logo.
  3. What model? Those look really nice. Curious as to what all you had done.
  4. I put the white felt onto my existing tongues myself, love the look of white tongues hanging out there. I may put some LS2s on them too, although I haven't skated on them ever, too many people swear by them to not give them a shot. Skates are Mike Wilson Pro Stock, Koho Titanium 3380s. Looking to move into a new pair of skates this summer though.
  5. Didn't like the U+ tongues or just wanted the baby blue in there? Edit: Those Sens pants look sweet.
  6. I agree TBL, those are some sharp looking mitts. Wish I had my camera with me so I could post the mitts that I bought myself for a Christmas/End of Semester gift...
  7. The start of my bucket whoredom...
  8. JR I have shins just like you are talking about. They are the Cooper SG 900. They look just like the CL ones. I should try to get a pic up. Like you said, very wide, with hinged ankle guard. Love them. Edit: Here are pics of my currents. Pro Stock WinWell Shorts, Cooper SG900, WinWell Comp bows, and Pro Stock mitts 14". CCM HT2, Bauer 4000, Jofa 287, Easton S9 Pro Itech Concept 2 Dlx, and a Jofa 381 Pro Stock Koho Titanium 3380s, size 10C
  9. What did you use to black them out?
  10. The custom embroidery is for Benilde St. Margaret's Scarlet Knights. It's a private school in MN. Good program and a sweet find and deal on the gloves. I know a guy or two who played there that has those mitts. Lookin good.
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