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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About crazy-luke-finch

  • Birthday 04/19/1994


  • Skates
    ICE - Vapor XVI Roller - CCM Vector 6
  • Hockey Bag
    RBK somethin'
  • Shin Pads
    CCM V8
  • Elbow Pads
    CCM V2
  • Shoulder Pads
    Mission thorax advantage
  • Pants
    Mission thorax advantage girdle
  • Helmet
    Mission Intake
  • Gloves
    Easton S7
  • Stick
    Bauer one90, Easton SC6 OPS, Easton 300 grip,Easton 350 grip shaft

Profile Information

  • Interests
    HOCKEY!<br /><br />also skiing, snowboarding and partying
  • Location
    South Yorkshire, UK
  • Gender
  1. i would definatley recommend getting them baked after the conversion. That's what i did with my U+'s.
  2. I came out to my parents yesterday and they accepted it. I felt great not having to hide something like that anymore.
  3. We just won our first game of the day 13-0. We have one more game at 3:00 so i hope we win that too!
  4. Well the X:30's just didn't fit right so in the end, i went with some CCM Vector U+ 07's and I'm very happy about my choice! So... CCM Vector U+ 07 Boot CCM Vector 6 Chassis Revision Variant Gold Wheels Abec 9 Bearings
  5. Getting these done this week. I'll post real photos when they're done. Photoshop Mock-Up Bauer Vapor X:30's CCM Vector Chassis Revision Variant Gold Wheels Abec 9 Bearings.
  6. I was surprised too! Not bad for my first conversion, even if I do say so myself! I personally think they look even better in person. Now I know what I'm doing. I'm thinking about converting some Vector 10's onto a Mg vanguard chassis with black hornets. Just need to find the time and the cash to do it!
  7. As promised earlier, pics of mine and numberthirteen's very first conversion that we did ourselves. A pair of 8.0D CCM Vector 3 boots on a Medium Mission Helium 1500 HiLo chassis with the original 80mm and 72mm Hyper Razor Edge wheels and 608 Abec 7 bearings. I am giving these skates to my younger brother to use as outdoor skates because the boots do not fit me or James (numberthirteen) Side View Angled View Let me know what you think...
  8. Me and my best friend, numberthirteen, have been converting some skates over the past few days at my house whilst following the guide on how to do so in this forum. So far we have taken off the chassis from the old helium 1500 and holder from the old vector 3 skates and we have drilled new holes on the vector 3's so we can attach the chassis. The rivets we quite fiddly to get out but the rest was surprisingly easy. As soon as we have riveted the chassis to the boot and added wheels, ill post some pics of our very first conversion! For now though, i have a rough photoshop image of what they will look like, now there are photo's 3 posts below.
  9. My best friend just brought back a one95 for me from America whilst he was in Philadelphia. You've all seen one before so i guess pics aren't necessary, but i will provide them if needed. So glad i got it, now i have a one90 and a one95!
  10. Thank god i'm looking at this on my 32" TV and i'm using firefox on my macbook ;) Those pics are huge!!!
  11. yes, I do know that, this was the first time I'd tried them on
  12. looking good :D no he didn't mount them himself, he got our LHS to do it
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