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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by jcsynergy

  1. all the words and no picture. Got one now, not the greatest. Steel on left is 9/16 equivalent FBV, right is 9/16 ROH...both are about 25X mag
  2. Thanks for the explanation. Now I, think I get it - the objective of the combo profile is to give turn with the front and glide with the back. The advent of FBV, gives you the glide portion and the mono profile can be tailored to a persons agility.
  3. TBL: So you contact Bob about a profile, he provides his suggestion / opinion and you chose to ignore. You go to another person, have them do the profile you think it should be...and when it does not come out as you expect, somehow Bob get implicated? Granted, I have used Bob's sharpening for a long time now and agree that an in person evaluation would likely be best, but he service does work. And, if you call him, he does give his time to give you his best, which in more than I can say for many LHS. And I would bet, that after he spends time with you and you express your dissatisfaction, you would not have to issue a dispute on your charge card to get your money back. Guess Bob must have to many satisfied customers and be one of the top dogs ... who some folks want to knockdown a peg or two. edit - to fix phat finger problem
  4. FWIW, last Sunday I skated at the Gut and when closing one of the outer doors to the locker rooms (security), I planted one skate on painted concrete. A bit of cursing for stupidity, I was tempted to just change steel ... but then tried it anyways ... and the FBV edge was still there.
  5. Interesting you mention the "fishtale". I have had the same feeling, typically when coasting in a straight line at low speed such as coasting to the bench or line up for faceoff. Never felt it during play... What I really find interesting with FBV is that since I have tried different ROH, I know the great glide for a 3/4 or so. ... and also know that bite in the corners would be minimal for me with normal fat ROH. Adjusting to FBV requires a "leap of faith" that the steel will bite when heading at high speed into a turn.
  6. any units associated with FBV (um/mm/mils/inches)?
  7. Skating for 10yrs in Vermont, I really hate to type it, but send them to NH. KS/M&G/SC - even if they had FBV, they would not get it right two times in a row.
  8. FWIW, 5'10 200# (yikes!) a/b level player, went with 7/14 compound then FBV (5/8), never will go back to "normal" profile radius again. Thanks Jimmy!
  9. The ergo can be customized. I find it too skinny and fix it by adding a tacki-mac grip over it. Works well for me.
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