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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Tsubasa27

  1. DP 57 made #2 this week on NHL top goals
  2. That goal remindme of Daren McCarty in the ´97 finals, not the same but similar
  3. Drew which one was the top model, which one do you recomend?
  4. Which is the difference between these models?????? Thanks
  5. Update Helmet: Bauer 5000 Shoulders: Old School Coppers Elbows: RBK 5k Shins: RBK 5k Pants: RBK 5k Gloves: RBK Pro stock navy (Pronger) :D Skates: Mission Fuel 85 Sticks: 2x Easton Z-Bubble with CCM 692 (Recchi) Easton Ultralite with AK-27 (Draper) Warrior Dolomite (Draper) CCM Vector V10 shaft with Dolomite blade (Draper) RBK 4k shaft with 1k blade AND 3 Koho 692 blades on the way :D
  6. what size are those??? Custom´s?????
  7. Are those wihte Graf´s Rob Schremp return, that were on Ebay?
  8. Update Helmet: White Bauer 5000 Shoulder Pads: Old Cooper Elbow Pads: RBK 5K Shin Pads: RBK 5k Pants: RBK 5K Gloves: Rbk Pro Stock Navy Pronger Skates: Rbk 3k Sticks: Warrior Dolomithe Shaft - 100 Flex - Warrior Dolomite Blade Draper CCM V10 Shaft - 100 Flex - Warrior Dolomite Blade Draper Easton UltraLite (old model) - 110 Flex - Warrior AK27 Blade Draper 2 Easton Z-Bubble (old model) - 100 & 110 Flex
  9. Skates: RBK 3K Sticks: Warrio Dolomite Draper lie 6 Pants: CCM 892 LE Shins: RBK 5K 15 Shoulder: Old Cooper XL Elbow: RBK 5K Large Helmet: CCM Pro HT892 Gloves: RBK 8K navy pro (PRONGER :) ) First Post sorry if its wrong (sorry for the english i`m from Argentina)
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