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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    new rbk 9k
  • Hockey Bag
    team bag
  • Shin Pads
    nike v12's
  • Elbow Pads
    swd 5030's
  • Shoulder Pads
    ferland classics
  • Pants
    one90 girdle
  • Helmet
    5000 w/full shield, 4500 w/ jofa 480
  • Gloves
    SJ rbk mia's, 2 pairs easton 4 rolls, new pro stock rbk 9k's, toronto ccm pro tacks, custom ppf's
  • Stick
    one90 winter classic pro stock ''gino'', 2 s17's, pro stock catapult, o stick, pro stock rbk 10k

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  1. giontas little and those gloves are swweeet
  2. theres no problem anymore i had MSH2 put on my pro-tacks and there chronic
  3. love the pittsburgh ones, a lot have been floating around lately and i cant get my hand on a pair
  4. I love those shoulder pads. If they weren't so expensive I'd be all over a pair of them for adult hockey. me wants
  5. skates: new rbk 9k sticks: one90 winter classic pro stock ''gino'', 2 s17's, pro stock catapult, o stick, pro stock rbk 10k gloves: SJ rbk mia's, 2 pairs easton 4 rolls, new pro stock rbk 9k's, toronto ccm pro tacks, custom ppf's helmet: 5000 w/full shield, 4500 w/ jofa 480 pants: one90 girdle shoulders: ferland classics shins: nike v12's elbows: swd 5030's bag: team bag
  6. those are sick, might get mad dirty tho
  7. like the gloves a lot
  8. is it listed on the stick how much it weighs (8.0.8)
  9. what are those innos in like the middle, love the gloves as well
  10. are those spraypainted
  11. May I ask where you sent them to get your gloves repalmed?
  12. yes and i work at a place that carries a lot of eagles, i'm not saying they suck, but theyre too expensive and not worth it
  13. That's not gay. There in it to make money. If people want that palm that badly, they'll buy Eagles. but eagles arent that nice, just the ppf's, and cp's but thats about it
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