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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by AustralianBear

  1. Not mine, ordered these for a mate. Hustler pant, +1" length, embroidery and Ottawa Senators colour scheme :) Sweet pants, makes me sad I bought the stock one all of a month ago... Apologies for the crappy photos, my camera has died so my iPhone now has to document my gearwhoring
  2. I got mine through the shop I work at, Warrior have an Australian distributor so it came through them
  3. Indeed, but still, when they got here it was like having a child i had waited in misery for so long after doing something fun. Just used them for the first time, sooooooooooo sweet
  4. 'Yep, this is the room, its a reeeeal shithole. Shame what they did to that poor dog...'
  5. I have for a customer, huge thighs so we had to go +2" in the leg and did some different coloured fangs down the side, process was easier than the gloves as far as ordering, I'll try and post some pics tonight. 'Akeem, do you have sex with your bathers? I know I do.'
  6. 14" Custom Franchise Micronash Palm, Stock Padding, Tufftek Shell, Pinky stripe only (Coz if Hossa can do it, goddammit so can I) :D Totally worth the nearly 4 months it took to get here. Apologies if I screwed up the pictures, first picture post.
  7. Helmet: NBH4500 Visor: Oakley Pro Straight Shoulders: Easton Synergy 800 Elbows: Easton Synergy 300 Gloves NBH Pro 4 Roll Pants: Bauer 2000 Shins: RBK 5K Skates: NBH ONE95 :D Sticks: Pro Stock Warrior Dolo Shaft w/Dolo Blade, Easton S17, NBH ONE90, Eason Synergy II Grip Shaft w/Synthesis Blade
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