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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About jsmart

  • Birthday 05/04/1977


  • Skates
    Bauer Custom one95s...thanks JR
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    NBH Supreme 50
  • Elbow Pads
    RBK 6K
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer Supreme
  • Pants
  • Helmet
    Bauer 9500 / Oakley Aviator Pro
  • Gloves
    Eagle PPF+ (3), NJ Devils NBH 4-Rolls, Norfolk Pro Tacks
  • Stick
    Easton Synergy (2), Bauer One70 (2) PM9, One 90, Inno Fibregrip, Warrior Dolos (7)

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Work, play hockey, work, play hockey...ohh I like motorcycles, boats, and other cool toys...
  • Location
    Louisville, KY
  • Gender

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  1. Damn Bro that is terrible. If there is anything I (we) can do to help out let me know! Keep up updated as you see fit.
  2. Background: 6'2" 275 lbs. Shaft: Dolomite Pro Stock 260 (90-95) flex (4+ of them - one polorfibre even) Blades: Pro Stock Hecht, Hartnell and Gonchar Dolomite Blades (from HM) Stickhandling/receiving passes: Feels pretty good with all the different blades I've tried. It is light compared to the old school shafts I had been using. It has a little pop to it when stickhandling with it -- I've had to adjust a bit. Very easy to send and receive passes with it. Overall very nice handling shaft with the blades I've tried and even when compared to the OPS version. Shooting: This is where I find this shaft shines. It has great pop! It has a low kick point and the puck shoots off the blade even when I have been experimenting with blades I'm not used to using. I would opt for a little stiffer flex if I can find it, but it has been great so far. Weight and balance: Perfect when using the Pro Stock blades I have tried. It is light compared to what I was used to so I love it. Durability: I broke one over the goal post but other than that they have held up well, and I'm a big dude that's pretty tough on sticks. I've had one for about six weeks now and I skate at least 3 times per week. Intangibles: Love being able to use lots of blade combos with it especially the inexpensive pro stock blades out there. The shafts are also very easy to find and a good price can be had if you keep your eyes peeled. Conclusion: I have gone to strictly Warrior/Inno shafts from NBH and I love them. Could never quite find the perfect combination on the NBH side. I love the PM9 but it felt horrible in the shafts I tried. Overall these are a nice value and fun to use especially with all the blade combos. 9.5/10 Not sure if there is a 10/10 out there but I have to leave the door open.
  3. Just traded the Exploder for a black on black Nissan Murano this weekend...LOVE IT!
  4. 2002 Exploder (I think it really might blow up one day), getting ready to trade it for an X5 or an FX35, leaning toward the FX35...who knows I love not having a car payment and all the gear I can haul fits in this bad boy...
  5. did they have any other pairs when you were there? thanks!
  6. Helmet: Bauer 4500 waiting on Bauer 9500 should be here this week!!!! Visor: Itech Concept II, Itech Cage of some sort, and Oakley Pro Aviator Shoulder: Bauer Supreme Classics Elbow: Easton Synergy 555 Shin: Reebok 3K Pants: Tackla 1000 Skates: Bauer Supreme One90 Gloves: CCM Pro Tack Stick: CCM Vector Lindros Curve 87 flex - waiting on two One70's with Malkin Curve 87 flex
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