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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by matt4494

  1. which helmet do you prefer??
  2. I've recently started working on my "skate room" as the 5 year old calls it and thought i'd share the work in progress. thats cool wish my dad wud do something like that for me haha
  3. my wheels new "bauer" stick
  4. i wanna do this with my XXXX but doesnt it void the warranty?
  5. thats sickk i wish they wud make retail one pieces tho
  6. I hope you were being sarcastic. If not, I weep for the future. Metals don't biodegrade, they oxidize; aka rust. That's why everyone should take out their foot beds after skating in them. hahahah fool you gotta take out your footbeds and take skate covers off every time.
  7. Little Nick Boynton in the house. How'd you guys do? SHITTY! haha our team blows. as alec said(iluvhockey) Well, that explains your posts. Your profile said you were 28. one on one anytime buddy
  8. Little Nick Boynton in the house. How'd you guys do? SHITTY! haha our team blows. as alec said(iluvhockey)
  9. the sticks(nothing too special)
  10. Littleton ice is terrible! sounds like me and your momm haha
  11. are those eagles all felt??
  12. Helmet: NBH 8500 Gloves: Warrior Fubar(team issued) Elbows: NBH Vapor XXXX Shoulders: NBH Vapor XXXX Pants: CCM tacks, Easton Shell(team issued) Shins: Easton S9 Skates: 08 Rbk 9k Sticks: Warrior Mac Daddy(green), Warrior Dolomite 08(blue)
  13. Cards/Coyotes colors! represinting
  14. http://www.photodump.com/Guest/b9d702a011493372.jpg.html got bored so i sharpied my old 5ks
  15. Helmet: Nike Bauer 8500 Gloves: Warrior Fubar Skates: New Rbk 9k Sticks: Warrior Dolomite(blue), Warrior Macdaddy(green) shoulder pads: Vapor XXXX Pants: Supreme one70 Shin Pads: Vapor XXXX Elbow Pads: Vapor XXXX
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