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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by firehawkshockey13

  1. how do u control ur shot with that thing?
  2. my bad forgot about the old o when it first came out . now its like$140 sr. i've never really liked rbk sticks bcz of the thin blade but i might try the 10k
  3. They will probably be cheaper to not buy it retail, I doubt it you would be able to get a 10k for less then 200. really? has a rbk stick ever been over 200? well, besides the 10k obviously
  4. id just wait till they get to all the retail stores and get one then . its not worth spending so much to me
  5. howed u get ur hands on the 8.0.8? is it pro stock?
  6. how did u get the se 16. i didn't know it was even out yet
  7. Skates: Nike Bauer XXV Vapors Stick: Easton SE with a z-carbon blade Pants:Nike bauer XX lite Shins: Winnwell comp xt Shoulder:Nike bauer superme 30 Elbow: Itech lil' rookie Heltmet: Nike Bauer 5500 Gloves: RBK 5k
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