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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About bigsnake76

  • Birthday 08/05/1977


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  1. Im thinking about an Ultra G75 conversion. There were a few negative posts about graf outsoles not holding up in a roller setup. Has anyone else had an issue with the graf textalite outsole not holding up as a inline conversion, specifically a mission hi lo chassis? It seems like the shops around my area convert graf all the time with no issues. Can anyone comment?
  2. Has anyone put a medium mission hi lo chassis on a size 10 graf? If this has been done can you post a picture, I would like to see how it lines up with the boot if it is even possible....thx.
  3. Both the X60 and XXXX fit me like a glove. Can anyone comment if the X60 is really worth the extra cash over the great price on the xxxx's right now? I have XXV's, gonna put em on the bay and prob upgrade to the XXXX. I really like the tweaked more forward position on the X60's, the ankle pads, as compared to the XXXX's New liner is cool but this is not that big of a deal to me. Just wanted someones 2 cents on these X60's. Dude, 600 bones compared to 349 is a big difference. Any feedback from former XXXX skaters.....Would you do it all over again and get another pair of 60's or just stick with the XXXX's for a sick price.
  4. I was skating on 3/4" Im 6'0 205 and I can definitely tell a difference in glide kind of like my boy Billy Glide. It is an extra 2 bucks in STL to get the Flat bottom V, its worth it no doubt about it.
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