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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Okeetee

  1. Helmet: NBH 4500 w/ ITECH Phantom cage Gloves: NBH Pro 4rolls, Warrior Franchise Elbows: CCM v10 Shins: NBH Vapor XXV Shoulders: CCM v08 Pants: Warrior Method Skates: Vapor XXXX Sticks: Easton SE16 non-grip 85 flex Sakic, Bauer Supreme one95 Dennis Wideman pro stock
  2. Awesome skates! I've been wanting to pick up that model. Keep us updated!
  3. Great, the game I don't show up to is the one in which all the pictures are taken! LOL.
  4. In honor of Steve Montador getting shipped to Boston, I turned his orange pro stock S17 into a black one. Just kidding; was bored today and decided to do a little coloring on a Monty pro stock. I guess it'll hold up until it gets hacked.
  5. 2004 Honda Civic Coupe LX Approximately 99,600 miles. :)
  6. Hey pat19, Nice to see another player wearing glasses. I can't stand contacts so I'm forced to wear my glasses while playing. Here's a picture (in all its blurriness) for now. I'll try to get a clearer shot during an upcoming game.
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