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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About CTK30

  • Birthday 03/16/1991


  • Skates
    Supreme 70's
  • Hockey Bag
    team bag
  • Shin Pads
  • Elbow Pads
  • Shoulder Pads
    easton jofa soon maybe, or pro defenders
  • Pants
    supreme 70's
  • Helmet
    Black 4500 with chrome cage and white 4500 with oakley straight cut
  • Gloves
    Tackla team gloves
  • Stick
    winwell, sherwood

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Hockey, Racing
  • Location
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  1. MacDonald's mom is a porn star if that makes you feel better
  2. I got it done at no icing so it should be pretty quality. I need them to profile another set of runners and I'll get it again. It could have also been that I went from 9/16 FBV to 1/2. I think I may even try a FBV with a little more bite than the 1/2"
  3. I went from a FBV to a regular hollow today and didn't really notice any difference. Our ice isn't that good though The most improvement I've seen was the super feet insoles
  4. Really? Even after removing the shoulder caps? Either way, I decided to rip the shoulder caps off my V04's I'm not sure about after the caps but a kid I know has them and they aren't very low profile
  5. The farrels are still pretty bulky
  6. JR said that if you sue a good 220 grit stone like the miracle stone it will not scratch the finish. You'll have to take them off and use a metal polish on them and a buffing wheel, carpolish won't be strong enough
  7. Hockey monkey Mission's
  8. I just now looked at the picture close enough to notice it lol Pretty cool, It was just my old 4mp camera too It would have been cheaper if I just cropped it in :lol:
  9. Waiting on ls2.1 power runners. I'm going to go with the graf yellow laces, I can't find them in 108" white I just got the gloves too, I love the mesh gussets And my toe curve blades, the taped blades are also toe curves
  10. I'm a toe curve guy through and through (also have a Kovalchuk, Samsonov [prostocks] and a ton of "toed" out sakic's) so the curve shouldn't take too long to get used to, but Ovie's is most def. the most open of the bunch. Wouldn't an ovie stick sell for like 1k? why are you going to use it?
  11. I also blacked out my supreme 70's as well. Here's how they turned out so you can see a reference point. And here's a better shot of the 40s, the last one was all weird and yellow tinted. I just did my supreme 70's today. I'm hoping that my replacement holders are white. They will look sick if they are white. I left the tendon guard silver The kind of smushed part toward the back is from squeaking the heel to get them tighter on my heels I'm thinking about taking the paint of the eyelets also so they are all bronze, do you guys think it will look good? Here they are after 7 or so physical skates. They get scratched up but I just use a paint brush and touch them up My white holders should be in at the end of march I also got my pro stock blade :D
  12. I'd definitely do this but there is no one around here that does it. And if it doesn't last as long I'll have to be shipping my blades out once a week. :(
  13. i know someone. It's hideous though
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