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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by KABAROV

  1. New setup Skates: Reebok 9k `07, NBH one95 Sticks: Ak27 Fedotenko, TPS R8 Afino whip Gloves: Fuel 130 retail red/blue/wht, Fuel 130 Pro NJ 13" Shoulders: Jofa 2500 / Farrell Black Pants: CCM 692 Tacks Elbows & Shins: Jofa Helmet: NBH8500 w/ x100, Mission Intake w/ hs22 prowave tint Undergear: Coreshorts, Mission Compression shirt w/ kevlar, NikePro comp. pants
  2. got some new shoulders too oh yeah
  3. got some new gear for xmas as well! also picked up some pro stock fuel 130 gloves and some farrell shoulders oh yeah i love christmas!
  4. GET READY FOR STICK PORN OH YEAH! AK27 one piece pro stock FEDOTENKO Also got my 9k's modded up with some felt on the tongue
  5. Undergear: Coreshorts pro & Mission long sleeve w/ kevlar throat guard Helmet: Mission Intake w/ HS22 tinted visor NBH 8500 w/ Itech DX100 visor Shoulder: Jofa 2500 / Jofa 8700 Elbow: Jofa 9025 / RBK 5k Shin: Jofa 3500 Pants: CCM 692 Gloves: Mission Fuel / Farrell G200 Skates: 07 white 9k w/ added felt on tongue Mouthguard: Proform Stick: '08 RBK 9k-O Datsyuk Reg flex / TPS R2 Afinogenov Reg flex Bag: Grit Hockey Tower (Oilers colours)
  6. obviously rollers weigh more than ice skates.
  7. to be honest i probably dont have the most constructive feedback on these skates as i am more of an ice hockey player than roller. I bought these last year when i was invited to play on my buddies roller team. I literally bought these 1 hr before my first game. the LHS had a great deal on them so i picked them up. first game my feet were screaming. next day i went back and had them baked... and picked up a set of superfeet greys. seems like i lost a bit of volume by doing this but skates were a little more comfortable. they feel like bricks compared to my 9k ice skates though. i used the 5k rollers for 1 season and so far they have held up great and the wheels and bearings seem to be doing fine as well. i wouldnt hesitate to pick up a pair.. just make sure they fit your feet well.
  8. New to MSH here is some pics of my gear. ***WARNING: MASSIVE GEAR WHORING 56k MODEM MELTDOWN*** all packed away... Grit hockey tower my gf got me for christmas :D Rollers JERSEYS! Custom Moscow jersey with my last name Superseries Sticks Waiting to try these out on the ice once my groin pull is healed.. Missed 3 games out for 1 more :( *** END OF 56k MODEM DESTRUCTION ***
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