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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. More likely the equipment guys just had some old stock piled up in the back room that they gave him. Kinda like the rangers had 20+ year old shoulders lying around that they gave to Shanny.
  2. Tell that to speedskaters. They sharpen them flat, and the corners are sharp enough to grab the ice. It's when those corners get rounded off that you have problems.
  3. I went ahead and followed you for that. I hardly ever go on twitter except for when a post of yours is linked in this thread, but it's a really nice thing you're doing.
  4. Looks like they have some nice stuff. Can't wait to hear about your impressions JR.
  5. They waste money buying him sticks? Here you go: http://patterndb.org/main.php?g2_itemId=5232
  6. Agreed. But I can see why some might not like a different feel from what they're used to, and I really did always think it was odd to have two lines of skates that were so similar. Any word on if the EQ5 fit will be a different fit or not? Somebody who had the chance to check it out at the MSH skate know?
  7. What do you mean by this? Everything in the catalogue looks good. Really like the look of the EQ5 glove. Glass fiber composite instead of carbon fiber. Same stuff that's on the SE10 and the 800c before that.
  8. Few thoughts as I browse through: Tapered wood blade should be nice, comes in their typical SE16 blade patterns. Always nice to have more options for wood blades. S13 helmet seems aimed at the 5500 market. Belt system on the S19 pant looks promising. Graphics package on the shins is much better. The white kneecaps and colored fronts of recent shin lines were rather ugly, not that it matters. Love my ST16s anyway.
  9. Perhaps Bauer's not doing it so much anymore, but you still see a lot of perforated steel. The shape didn't last, but the idea of cutting holes in the steel to save weight sure has. I don't think you can call that a bust. The black coating though...
  10. Heh, you lost to the worst team in the league! You lost to the worst team in the league! And if this game costs us Taylor Hall, I'm going to be pissed.
  11. I try. In rooms with lockers and such instead of benches, or when it's rather crowded and other people's 'small' bags are preventing me from doing so, it's not always possible. But if somebody tells me that I can't use my bag, I'm not exactly going to pay much attention to them. If you have a problem with it, you can buy me a new bag that meets your size standards that still manages to dry and help disinfect my gear.
  12. Too bad. We have them, we use them. You can't exactly keep a bag anywhere else but in the locker room. I agree that they can be a pain to walk around, but you really just gotta deal with it.
  13. I'm really surprised your rink allows that. A one time forgot the helmet is one thing, but to regularly do that is another. With liability these days...
  14. Wasn't too much. They read his twitter message, mentioned he added a bit more curve onto the toe, showed the goal, commented that it seemed to be working pretty well for him and moved to the next topic. Oh, and you can find his twitter account here, if you didn't know about it: http://twitter.com/Dp_57
  15. Perron's twitter about changing his curve just got shown on after hours, complete with MSH tag on the post. And they showed the goal. BTW, David, if you're reading this, would ya mind sending me one of your old sticks if you decide to stick with the new curve?
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