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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. That is similar honing stone as I recommended, just prefer a skinnier version for the Flares (EZLCD4 Eze-Lap Double Sided Knife Sharpening Stone) as it's easier to control on the smaller available surface area of that angle. Would love to check out the Elite machines myself, but a little outside my budget; nor do I have the space in my shop
  2. sent you a pm, but see I forgot to address your specific questions regarding which profile to go with-- will depend a bit on who you have do the work...that same shop?
  3. Think we've interacted before, but I'm in MN (my shop is inside west of Mpls area metro rink) and I carry both Byonic and Bladetech, and just brought in Flare (had Tydan and Step but no longer, and never brought in Step's edge blades). And you didn't miss anything with not finding Massive-- although I was curious too and finally found a set; wasn't better than Step so didn't bother pursuing.
  4. this company may have options for you: https://www.thefoamfactory.com/ have ordered a couple items from them and had no issues with product/shipping, etc
  5. OriginalSix-- don't know where you are at but I will offer the same as JR if you are in my area (mpls); don't post here much so won't go so far as to extend the shipping part since nobody knows who I am. But after being firmly in the 'disbelief' camp until I had a chance to try it for myself, now I'm not sure how one doesn't feel the difference. One of the funnier things I've seen/heard was from my younger boy, who's skates I've been sharpening for years at an increasingly shallower hollow as he's gotten older (now 13, and was at 5/8" ROH) asked my after the 1st time he skated on the 90/1 fbv, "What did you do to my skates?" -- probably because I didn't tell him beforehand that I changed it out as I wanted to get an honest appraisal of fvb, and I got it :-) He adjusted quickly to the extra speed he carried throughout his transitions and into/out of corners even with that deep of 'fang' on somewhat soft ice.
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