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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Bauer Supreme ONE95
  • Hockey Bag
    Bauer Classic
  • Shin Pads
    CCM Vector V10
  • Elbow Pads
    CCM Vector V10
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM Vector V10
  • Pants
    CCM Vector V10
  • Helmet
    Warrior Krown 360
  • Gloves
    Warrior Franchise
  • Stick
    Warrior Widow

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  1. bump. Any news on this, or can this even be discussed?
  2. No one responded on the 2016 Warrior catalog page so maybe you may know.


    Is Warrior releasing a full line of protective gear this season?  I saw the QRL gloves and pants but no other line.  I've asked around at my pro shop but they don't do a ton of business with Warrior so they do not know.


    I need to replace my gear so was waiting to see if the QRL will be the "lighter" line like Bauer Vapor, and if the Dynasty will be the "heavy" line like Bauer Supreme.  



    1. Miseaujeu


      Warrior is not releasing Shin/Shoulder/Elbow for 2016 - Dynasty was carry-over.

    2. vtaenz


      Thank you so much.


      Do you know if it will be a fully fleshed out line in the future?

    3. Miseaujeu


      Yes I do. Can't share any info on that yet.


  3. Will Warrior be coming out with a full protective line this season? Is the QRL the "lighter" run of their gear and the Dynasty the "heavier" or more protective line of their gear?
  4. What exactly is the difference between the HD1 and HD Pro? I see a few minor things here and there, such as wrist protection, and some differences in design slightly (ribs on the shin pad vs flat on pro shin pad calf protector), color, and about 20 bucks extra for the HD1 line. Protection wise though, if you're not concerned about some ventilated foam pads in a few places, is there any reason to spend the extra money? Am I missing something? Is the fit better on HD1, is it slightly better quality, lighter? Thanks.
  5. Is this how the QR catalog came or did you leave off the bags and stuff? I noticed on the Warrior website they have new bags listed.
  6. Ah thanks for the reply. I suppose I could look into doing the modification. May not be a bad idea to start doing it on the side for people and see how it goes. Thanks for clarification on the pants. I need to see them in person to get a feel for them.
  7. Forgot to mention, I do like that they added some yellow and gray to the inside of the shins and elbow pads instead of it being white so I imagine that would go a fairly long way and makes me feel better about them not looking horrendous after a few games. Although, the edges and seems may look a bit dirty, wish they covered those seems with a color other than white. Just nit picking.
  8. A few questions. I've become a pretty big Warrior fan and love the debut of the helmet the past year, by far one of my favorite purchases, it's just so comfortable. I may be in the market for new gloves too seeing as my Franchise palms were eaten by a rat. The thread about that with pictures is on here somewhere (still waiting to get those back repalmed). Anyhow: I wanted to invest in new protective gear last year as mine is getting a bit old and some pieces need to be replaced but I held off this past year because I am not a fan of white, the reason being is it has a bad habit of yellowing very quickly. It just kind of looks dirtier than it sometimes is, I prefer to pretend that there's no staph growing on my gear than have to be reminded by the color to lysol my stuff after games every now and then. Why did they have to go with white again instead of maybe a gray? Is it for white jerseys in the NHL? Do they not want it showing through so much underneath the jerseys? I have never had a great set of elbow pads that will stay locked on my arms. I'm a right handed shot and as such that pad likes to slide down all the time. I heard last years project? pads found a way to make the pad stay in place but I remain skeptical and wasn't prepared to make the investment for an unknown. I truly miss the one little thing the old Vapor 10s (circa 2002?) had, a clip that married the elbow pads which had a strap on them. It's very difficult to see on the elbow pads the strap but you could thread it through that clip on the end of the shoulder pads and voila, the elbow pads would never slip down. Ever. This was also where I discovered I didn't care much for white colored gear. On the Covert DT1 pants could someone explain how the belt works? I never see it fastened. Is it just two straps that are each fastened individually and they just kind of hang down? Is there a traditional strap like shown on the DT2? Also just a personal preference but what are everyone's feelings on zipper vs lace? I'm a lean build so I always prefer zipper because when I lace up I always feel like I have a bunch of lace leftover hanging down. I have to get creative with getting it out of the way or just getting a different sized lace, just a minor annoyance. Altogether if my local place has any of the new stuff I'm excited to try it on and at least see the fit. I really like how they added an intermediate as sometimes I feel like the fit is slightly better for me with some pieces of gear (elbow pads).
  9. HELMET: Bauer 8500 w/Oakley Pro Aviator Visor Clear SHOULDER: CCM V10 LE ELBOW: CCM V10 LE PANTS: CCM V10 LE SHIN: CCM V10 LE GLOVES: Bauer Vapor XXX SKATES: NikeBauer Supreme One95 STICKS: Easton Synergy SL 85 Flex RH Drury
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